
The good news in this verdict is

that Casey's life would have been better in jail.  Think of how her life will be when she's released.  America hates her.  Her quality of life on the outside will be ***.  She won't be able to go anywhere or do anything without being tormented from someone.  She would have been better off in jail.
Liam is 5!
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Re: The good news in this verdict is

  • That is true.

    Someone on my fb commented that she will likely have to go into some type of witness protection or something. 

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • I honestly don't think she's going to last long. Either someone will take her out or her life will be so miserable she will do something to herself.
    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

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  • Eh, I don't know.  She's going to write a book, do a lifetime movie, do a reality tv series, and be a media hore, she'll have plenty of money to hire plenty of security. I will want to vom every time I hear her name or see her on the tv...but she will be rich.  And famous. And isn't that all she cares about anyway?
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  • I hope someone off's her.....
  • Off the jury members too
  • imageAnnapolisLari:
    I honestly don't think she's going to last long. Either someone will take her out or her life will be so miserable she will do something to herself.


    Scarlett Madison-12-18-2014
    Baby # 3 Due 06/02/16

    Furchildren include
    Kali 12/20/10-Husky-Has Addison's Disease.
    Doxie 10/04/11-Dachsund
    Tadley 11/12-Cat Ruler of the house.
  • I feel like the world just stopped......
  • IDK.  OJ walked around pretty carefree 'til he got busted again.

    The ladies would have had some fun at her expense in prison, that is if she was allowed to be in the population.

    Then again, a shiv is a shiv; and much easier to obtain on the outside.

    I hope she lives her life in misery.

    promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
  • I am seriously SICKENED by these people and their decision. I hope they feel badly when they get out of the isolation of the court- and see how horrible casey is.

    I also hope she has no opporuinity to enjoy the huige money she's going to make off of murdering her daughter and skating away with it.

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  • My prediciton....she will be pregnant within 2 years. And will go on a media blitz about how Caylee would have been THRILLED for a baby brother or sister, and how she just wishes she was her and blah blah blah.

     I'm sick to my stomach.

  • imageMotherBucker:

    My prediciton....she will be pregnant within 2 years. And will go on a media blitz about how Caylee would have been THRILLED for a baby brother or sister, and how she just wishes she was her and blah blah blah.

     I'm sick to my stomach.

    the idea of her getting the opportunity to do this to ANOTHER kid..barf. I loathe her. and the jury, too.

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  • I just don't get it. All of the facts in the case point to one person, Casey. It doesn't really matter that it's circumstantial. Who else could have killed Caylee? I don't believe for a second that she drown in the family pool. I hope Casey is miserable, but sadly I think that Jessys is right. She'll be rich and famous from her TV movie, reality specials, etc.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • imageJessys_Girl:
    Eh, I don't know.  She's going to write a book, do a lifetime movie, do a reality tv series, and be a media hore, she'll have plenty of money to hire plenty of security. I will want to vom every time I hear her name or see her on the tv...but she will be rich.  And famous. And isn't that all she cares about anyway?


    ...and end up in porn.

    Mum to Owen and Lucas Daisypath Wedding tickers>
  • She'll get hers. They always do.

  • I can't believe that I'm so pissed off. Like, I want to go hurt her myself pissed off.  I guess that the benefit of finding 17 people who are not interested enough (or intelligent enough) in life to ever turn on the news or pick up a paper definitely favors the accused.
  • imageJamaica_Bride:

    Eh, I don't know.  She's going to write a book, do a lifetime movie, do a reality tv series, and be a media hore, she'll have plenty of money to hire plenty of security. I will want to vom every time I hear her name or see her on the tv...but she will be rich.  And famous. And isn't that all she cares about anyway?


    ...and end up in porn.

    OMG, THIS!  She'll be the next Octomom and OJ combined!

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  • imageridesbuttons:

    IDK.  OJ walked around pretty carefree 'til he got busted again.


    Yeah, but OJ didn't kill his 2 year old!

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  • imagebelle204:
    She'll get hers. They always do.


    We all know who has the final word and that is GOD!

    * DD1 1.18.04 * DD2 1.22.06 * DS 10.2.07 * DD3 8.19.10 * *Happiness keeps you sweet, trials keep you strong, sorrows keep you human, failures keep you humble, success keeps you glowing, but only God keeps you going.*
  • imageAnnapolisLari:
    I honestly don't think she's going to last long. Either someone will take her out or her life will be so miserable she will do something to herself.

    I have to disagree. A woman who is capable of what she did has no soul. Her type of crazy just doesn't function like the rest of us. I think she is going to walk away and just move on like nothing happened. Sick. Sick Sick.

  • Oh, I didn't mean that the remorse would haunt her or anything. Just that people who loathe her will harass her mercilessly.
    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • If she is truely a sociopath, she is on top of the world....she thinks she can now conquer anything. Hopefully she will go on and live a quiet life but I doubt it....I hope she has no more kids. I so still think she did it and her father had nothing to do w it.

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  • I wonder if any of the jury members will get death threats or will go into hiding/protection until things cool down.
    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
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