Nevada Babies

Induction and Due Dates

Just wondering what your experiences were... I'll be asking my OB soon (Dr. Garg) on how they deal with due date and inducing, etc. The only reason it is a concern to me to not go TOO past my due date is because my mom's doctor's let her go way past her due date with me and it was very consequential.. I was born with basically burnt skin and my cord wrapped around my neck, complications for my mom, etc...

SO, if you've asked your doctors, what are their opinions on inducing on Due date, after due date, etc.  

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Re: Induction and Due Dates

  • I only happen to know the area hospitals policies on induction because i had twins via a scheduled csection. They will not induce before 38 weeks unless there is a serious medical concern. Your mom's experience wouldnt warrant an early induction. If they do need to induce they will likely require a lung maturity amnio like i had. Other than that it is up to your dr but im pretty sure you can ask to be induced if you go past the due date. Try not to worry about it though, im sure you will be just fine. Good luck!
  • I've worked at a local hospital since 2002...and completely agree with mrs cam. They will not induce you before 38 weeks unless you or your baby are at very high risk. And if you are they will definately do a lung maturity test. The earlier you are, the more risk your baby is at to end up in the NICU for a variety of reasons...though the most likely reason is breathing problems. The safest place for your baby until 38 weeks is inside you!
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  • I hadn't plan on being induced early or anything, I just didn't want to go too far past my due date... that was all. I didn't know if doctors would induce on the due date or make you wait it out until your body does it naturally. I had a friend that was having severe hip and pelvic pain (similar to myself... I've had it since 12 weeks and physicaly therapy for months didn't help) and he induced her at 37 weeks because her baby was measuring in his weight range, etc... I know that there are risk factors involved with inducing too early, etc. but I'm still considering asking if he could possibly do it at 39/40 weeks if I don't go into natural labor earlier.
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  • There is no reason to delay one you are past 38 weeks. That is usually when a doctor will start concidering an induction...or would do a c-section if you had aready had a previous c-section. Definately ask for the 38 weeks....there really is no reason to wait beyond that. Good Luck!
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  • thanks for your reply! After speaking with Dr. Garg, I could electively do a c-section at 37 weeks, but I will be waiting until 39 weeks and try to have her naturally. (4 weeks just gives her longer to grow and develop and I wouldn't have to get an amnio).. I'm hoping my urine tests with blood work and an ultrasound don't reveal pre-e because it could change my plans, but then again, she'll come when she wants to and at least I'm only 2 weeks away from "full term" so it's not as worrysome if I were to be only 20-some weeks :) thank goodness.
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  • Good luck! Dr. Garg and the girls in L&D are wonderful. I am sure you will have a wonderful expereince, regardless of how she decides to be born!
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