My DH and I were debating banking or donating cordblood, butlwere told that we were excluded from being able to donate as they dont accept donations from multiple births.
Does anyone know why that is? Can we still bank or do they not do that with multiples either?
Re: Cord Blood
Public bank near me (MD Anderson Cancer Center) will not accept donations for multiples. I asked why and here is what I was told. Their cords are typically smaller and thus rarely ever yield enough volume, and you can't say for certain which blood came from which baby.
As someone who collects cord blood on every single delivery, I've never ever had an issue knowing which cord is which because we put two clamps on baby B, three clamps on C, etc. But I do believe the volume aspect. So many of the singleton donations don't pass because the volume is low.
For us, this confirmed why it was a waste to do private storage. My kids (who are fraternal) will always be available to donate for their sibling. If they were ID, their blood couldn't be used on each other anyways.
Hello ! I work for Americord Registry, a cord blood bank. Find out how you can save up to ten times more stem cells as compared to cord blood alone. See