I am LOVING Kelly's Closet. They have great deals, excellent customer service and I just like how easy their site is to navigate. However, free shipping is only on orders over $59 (bummer) and I have found they are often out of stock in colors, patterns, or products I want. Anyone have any suggestions? I checked out some that were listed in the FAQ but none caught my eye.
Praying this little one sticks!
Re: Where Do You Shop?
DD (5 years old) from IUI in 2012
TTC 3rd and final!: IUI #1 in progress!
I shopped for most of my stuff Cottonbabies.com and SewCraftyBaby.com. Both have free shipping, which I love.
I also have gone locally to Once Upon A Child, they carry Thirsties, Fuzzibuns, and BG/Flip/Bummis stuff. Among other things and a used section.
I used to shop vermontcountrybaby.com but she closed, I try to use greendiaperdemos.com but she charges shipping. I did like cottonbabies.com
and thanksmama.com
but now I usually am buying WAHM stuff, and other little shops and not multi carrier type stores.
The Journey of Me
Vacation, 2011