I am new to this! I have a kissa wool cover, I hand washed with with eucalan and then lanolized it (I followed this link https://www.diaperpin.com/clothdiapers/article_howtolanolizewool.asp)
Anyway, after the first night I used it it was wet, so I let it air dry. After the second night, it was soaking wet, I let it air dry for two days. My husband says it smells like a men's urinal.
I then washed it again, with just the eucalan, left it to dry overnight and although it's still wet, it still smells.
What am I doing wrong? Is it not true that you don't have to wash them after every use? Or just if they are not very wet?
Re: My wool smells, help me please!
To clarify- your wool cover is soaked with pee in the mornings? Im going to make a guess that they arent lanolized enough. That tutorial doesnt look like a lot of lanolin to me and I let mine soak overnight not for 5 minutes. I do more than one at a time though usually. But mine are never soaked. They should be damp definitely but on the outside I dont feel a thing.
Also I have a few that smell while they are wet from the washing/lanolizing process. Like a wet dog. I put a tiny bit of scented lanolin in with my liquid to help combat this
If you air it out overnight and it smells fine, you don't have to wash it again.
If it gets pooped on, or if you air it out overnight and it still smells, you need to wash it.
I'd see how it smells when it's dry, and wash again if necessary.
This PLUS from what I've read in the other thread I don't think that your fitteds you used overnight were quite absorbent enough so they may have soaked through the wool a little too much. I would use something more absorbent underneath AND add more lanolin.