Hawaii Babies

??? Weekly Check-in ??? 6/22/2011

4forluck ? Elaine ? 09.20.07

MauidAims ? Kai ? 02.16.08
MrsNFB ? Sean Patrick ? 10.11.08

kauai_luv ? Waianuhea ? 04.04.09
kshiz ? Ella ? 04.04.09
bigislandhi ? Zoi ? 06.29.09
Mrs.Ziz ? Bella Kailani ? 07.24.09
Hawaiian Honey ? Matty ? 08.07.09
MrsWinter ? Ashton ? 08.14.09
myday1708 ? Alexa ? 09.09.09
missaloha ? Ellery ? 09.13.09
MrsNJSwimmer ? Billy ? 11.09.09
Trieulam - Kiptyn ? 11.12.09 & precious angel Kylie ? 11.12.09-1.28.10
MrsPresley ? Miss A ? 11.12.09
HulaLove ? Elyse ? 12.14.09

Married2MrWright ? Libby ? 01.25.10
Sanae78 ? Kaya ? 02.11.10
SirenSong ? Samara ? 02.16.10
? J ? 02.10
? Ryan ? 03.9.10
LisaKeiko ? Johnny ? 04.19.10
redshoegirl ? Will & Dash ? 04.21.10
liubride510 ? Kailani ? 05.08.10
inamra ? B ? 05.10
rwright5 ? Mason Lee ? 06.03.10
supercoolnat ? Zachary ? 06.07.10
parrotgirl ? Mason ? 06.15.10
 ? Henry ? 07.22.10
MrsIH ? Jacob ? 08.28.10 
Vanilla15 ? Adair ? 09.10  
ECUPirate04 ? Lauren ? 09.29.10 
mrsnickandnora Blake ? 10.07.10(?)
 ? Eleiana ? 11.03.10
SanHawaii08 ? E ? 11.09.10
annasan_k Zo? ? 12.17.10Oceangirl22 ? Kenley ? 01.05.11
kinibruin ? D ? 
MrsZiz ? G ? 03.11
MauiBride2008 ? R ? 04.02.11
HappyGoLuckyGal - M - 04.13.2011
July 2010 
07.22.10 ? Boy ? RobynLeeAugust 2011
08.01.11 Boy stargirl76
08.11.11 Boy MiniWheats
08.22.11 Girl Hawaiian HoneyJanuary 2012
01.16.12  - Married2MrWright-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
Post updated due dates or gender reports here. 
(1) What week are you in/how old is your LO?(2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share?(3) Next appointment date?  Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up?(4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week?(5) What's your favorite thing about being pregnant? Least favorite?(6) Does your LO still wake during the night? What do you do when that happens?(7) What are some of your favorite family activities to do with LO (including dad)?
(8) What other questions would you like to see in upcoming check-ins?TTCers:  Which cycle are you on?  Where in the cycle are you?  What, if anything, are you doing/trying for TTC success?
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Re: ??? Weekly Check-in ??? 6/22/2011

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    (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO? 19+ months

    (2) Any new milestones or news in the last week to share? First vacation with him went fairly well.  Car trip went about as well as we could have expected.  He liked the ocean at first, then didn't.  He didn't mind the sand , but was just as happy at the pool.  Next time maybe we'll forgo the beach and just stay at the pool!  - oh and walking backwards - is that a milestone??

    (3) Next appointment date?  2 yrs!

    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week?  naptime and I think we're entering the terrible 2s!  He throws fits or cries or screams for no apparent reason, or only wants things he can't have, like the laptop or the garbage or to play on the stairs.  I've tried to curb the screaming and it's been mildly successful, but we'll see how it goes.

    (5) What's your favorite thing about being pregnant? Least favorite? Hands down my favorite thing was feeling him kick.  That was an awesome experience.  The second favorite was that strangers were so nice to me (once I started showing) - letting me sit down rather than stand on metro, etc), letting me get the first piece of cake at work functions - ha!  My least favorite was all the bodily function issues that happen during and after! 

    (6) Does your LO still wake during the night? What do you do when that happens?  Occassionally, but he realizes there's nothing going on because it's dark out and we're both asleep, so he goes back to sleep.  But when he can see light outside, there's no keeping him in bed :( 

    (7) What are some of your favorite family activities to do with LO (including dad)?  I love taking him to swim classes, to the pool, to the play area at the mall, the playground... dad mostly sleeps in on weekends and does his own thing, so it's our own mommy and baby time. 


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    (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO? 14 months
    (2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share? I have a cold right now (again! eff those daycare germs!) so I'm feeling pretty blah. The boys are pretty chipper though. Big Smile Milestones...hmm. Will has started semi-running - does that count?
    (3) Next appointment date?  Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up? 18 month checkup, just the routine stuff.
    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week? Table manners. I know they're still too young for real manners, but lately Dash has started throwing his food. Not in the "I'm full and bored" way, just because he likes to watch it (but is still hungry). We've just been taking his food away and then giving him only a bite or two at a time, but it's still aggravating. Any advice?
    (5) What's your favorite thing about being pregnant? Least favorite? Favorite...it was just amazing to know I was making life inside me. Kinda trippy! Least...most of it? LOL I had such a hard pregnancy - the gestational diabetes, the PUPPS, the donkey crotch, being in perpetual sharp pain for months on end...honestly, I didn't have a very good time.
    (6) Does your LO still wake during the night? What do you do when that happens? They gave up their midnight night feeding of their own accord about 2 months ago (yaay!), and normally they sleep through the night. But they've been unwell lately, so they're a bit restless and wake up a couple of times wanting a drink of water, being too out of it to find their paci (we put like 8 of them in each crib, but it still happens lol), etc. So we get up, give them a drink of water, a hug, and possibly teething gel if they need it, then lay them back down and leave. Works most of the time!
    (7) What are some of your favorite family activities to do with LO (including dad)? We love going to the park and feeding the ducks (although the boys alternate between throwing the stale bread and eating it lol). We're pretty laid back in our family activities, and mostly just go to the park, on a picnic, etc. We don't have a zoo here, which bums me out - I think the boys would love it! (8) What other questions would you like to see in upcoming check-ins? If your LO uses a paci, when do you plan on making them give it up (if they don't of their own accord)?

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    (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO? 14.5 months

    (2) Any new milestones or news in the last week to share? Starting to recognize objects by name and point to them in pictures and books, and trying to say their name. He's also doing pretty well following directions and refraining from things that are not allowed. It's fun to watch his little face as he "thinks" about all these things.

    (3) Next appointment date?  

    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week?  We're always working on sleep, but we're finally making progress. He now goes to bed on his tummy in his crib, which has really helped him get settled. He'll just lay there until he's asleep as long as I'm somewhere in the room, which sometimes takes 30-45 minutes. He's also sleeping the entire night in his crib, maybe waking once or twice (but no longer standing up screaming for help). Mega progress, but it's so exhausting going through this long routine each night and each nap time.

    (5) What's your favorite thing about being pregnant? Least favorite? Best - seeing him do rolls across my belly when he got big. Worst - I worried a lot about everything going OK.

    (6) Does your LO still wake during the night? What do you do when that happens?  This was my question! Prior to a week ago, he would wake 2-3 times (standing and crying) before I went to bed and then again around midnight, when I'd bring him into our bed. We tried all sorts of things to remedy the situation. Hopefully we've helped him get more comfortable and now he'll sleep a bit better.

    (7) What are some of your favorite family activities to do with LO (including dad)?  We try to get out often since the weather is usually nice. We picnic at the park a lot -- we like big, open spaces with birds and room to roam. We also have zoo and aquarium passes, and we like to do easy hikes or go to the beach. There's also a mall we like that has a great play area, pet store, book store, and kiddie train, and it's rarely ever crowded. As for more organized activities, we just started swim lessons and we go to Gymboree once or twice a week, which dad takes him to, too.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO? 11 months

    (2) Any new milestones or news in the last week to share? He has taken three steps at a time without holding anything.....we're sooooo close to walking!  (yikes!)

    (3) Next appointment date?  next month

    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week?  Not really BR, but we had a bad storm on Tuesday night.  MH was at work late, and I actually woke Henry up to go into the basement.  I normally am not too alarmed by storms, but part of my hometown in WI was recently destroyed from a tornado, and this one was bad.  When the sirens went off, I scooped him from his crib and brought him downstairs.  It passed, and he did (thankfully!) go back down pretty well.  The worst part is that we are still without power (there are downed lines and trees everywhere), and it is not expected to be back on until late Friday night at the earliest.  Luckily, we do have a generator with can run the fridge and freezer, but not much else.  Thank goodness we have a gas stove so I can cook!

    (5) What's your favorite thing about being pregnant? Least favorite? Best - being able to wear big clothes and look "fat" for a good reason!  :P  Worst - the laryngitis I had all through 3rd tri.

    (6) Does your LO still wake during the night? What do you do when that happens?  NO, thank goodness!!!  He does sometimes wake at about 5am or so, but he'll go back to sleep if I leave him.  He started truly STTN (not the technical definition, but actually all night) at about 7.5 months.

    (7) What are some of your favorite family activities to do with LO (including dad)?  Go to the botanic gardens, go to the pool (a recent development), and just plain roughhouse together as a family.  :)

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    1) What week are you in/how old is your LO? 9.5 months

    (2) Any new milestones or news in the last week to share? not really a milestone, but cute...she started making this cute little squishy face at us (where she squishes up her nose and eyse and kind of breathes hard through her nose)  I'm not sure what it is all about, but it is cute!

    (3) Next appointment date?  not sure...she has had a lingering ear infection for a month (despite being on different antibiotics the whole time) and it is still not clear so pedi said we have to call ENT.  I know the ENT's solution is going to be tubes which I am okay with, it is the anesthia that worries me.

    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week?  see ENT issue above & sleep issues below

    (5) What's your favorite thing about being pregnant? Least favorite? Best - people were so nice & friendly (not that they ususally aren't but people went out of their way to be extra sweet), loving the feeling of it being just me & baby & not to be ridiculous, but sweet tea (OMG...I love this stuff.  I had always drank diet everything so when I stopped drinking any artifical sweetners, I fell in love with sweet tea. b/c of the caffeine, I couldn't have too much, but when I did, it was delish!)  Least - how swollen I was.  My hands & feet were huge & my knees throbbed all of the time from all of the extra lbs (I gained 40 by the very end)

    (6) Does your LO still wake during the night? What do you do when that happens?  Yes & there is no end in sight.  Honestly it has only gotten worse.  She used to wake up all night but at least stay in her crib (which is in our room), but then she got to a point where she wasn't going back down in her crib, so then she made her way into our bed.  At this point I wouldn't mind saying we are just co-sleeping by choice indefinitely, but she just thrashes around so much.   With these constant ear infections & teething, I feel like she is never going to sleep through the night & I worry we are starting habits that are going to be really hard to break.  sigh.

    (7) What are some of your favorite family activities to do with LO (including dad)?  We have been going swimming any opportunity we get (it is unbelievably hot here already).  We walk around the neighborhood a lot & I am always on the look out for parks with the bucket swings.  Before it got too hot, we went to the zoo a few times.  I have a feeling we will be going to the aquarium a lot in the next few months.

    imageLilypie Second Birthday tickersDaisypath Anniversary tickers
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    (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO? 34wks, 3 days.(2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share? Tired. Nights are getting tougher. Especially to switch sides. I feel like a beached whale rolling. Doesn't help that I get up consistently at 2am and 5am to pee, then again at 6am for no good reason. Prep for baby?(3) Next appointment date?  Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up? Next week is my last 2-weeker. Then every week. Yikes.(4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week? Not much. I got my first stretch mark this morning. It literally happened overnight. Last night my boob was itchy, and I thought, "oh no, I hope this isn't because it's stretching" and BAM! Stretch marks! 4 of them. I am (stupidly) upset :((5) What's your favorite thing about being pregnant? Least favorite? Best: The nice thing, for sure. A majority of people smile at me a lot more now and offer seats on the bus/subway. Oh and not feeling guilty about indulging in sweets now and then.  Oh and his rolls and kicks :)
    Least: All the blatant judgey mcjudgerson stares I get out in public now that I'm showing a lot more. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week? Table manners. I know they're still too young for real manners, but lately Dash has started throwing his food. Not in the "I'm full and bored" way, just because he likes to watch it (but is still hungry). We've just been taking his food away and then giving him only a bite or two at a time, but it's still aggravating. Any advice?

    We do the same thing, or rather, I do - I only give him like 2-3 pieces of something at a time, then when he's done, he can have more.  If he does throw it on the floor, there's a very stern and loud "NO throwing food!" - I think he finally gets the tone and knows it's not good.  He usually stops for awhile and then tests us again eventually.  This is the only time I wish we had a dog.

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    (3) Next appointment date?  not sure...she has had a lingering ear infection for a month (despite being on different antibiotics the whole time) and it is still not clear so pedi said we have to call ENT.  I know the ENT's solution is going to be tubes which I am okay with, it is the anesthia that worries me.

    Any interest in trying an alternative approach, even just while waiting to get an ENT appt?  J has had 2 bouts of ear infection (one of those times was a double infection) and has had them all clear up in less than a week w/out antibiotics - when multiple kids at his daycare were going round and round with abx resistent infections.  The ND had him start on those and re-checked for improvement less than a week later (with an abx 'script on hand should his fever rise).  This isn't the brand I use, but has the same ingredients:


    locally you could probably find it at an herb shop/health store and if you have one I know whole foods regularly stocks it .

    J also goes to a Chiro which can help with getting the ear to drain.  But I know lots of people are uncomfortable with chiro treatment.

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    (3) Next appointment date?  not sure...she has had a lingering ear infection for a month (despite being on different antibiotics the whole time) and it is still not clear so pedi said we have to call ENT.  I know the ENT's solution is going to be tubes which I am okay with, it is the anesthia that worries me.

    Any interest in trying an alternative approach, even just while waiting to get an ENT appt?  J has had 2 bouts of ear infection (one of those times was a double infection) and has had them all clear up in less than a week w/out antibiotics - when multiple kids at his daycare were going round and round with abx resistent infections.  The ND had him start on those and re-checked for improvement less than a week later (with an abx 'script on hand should his fever rise).  This isn't the brand I use, but has the same ingredients:


    locally you could probably find it at an herb shop/health store and if you have one I know whole foods regularly stocks it .

    J also goes to a Chiro which can help with getting the ear to drain.  But I know lots of people are uncomfortable with chiro treatment.

    I am definitely interested in other options.  Thanks so much for the info.  I had never heard of the garlic drops and didn't even think of a chiro!!

    imageLilypie Second Birthday tickersDaisypath Anniversary tickers
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    (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO?

    17 months this Saturday and 10.5 weeks PG

    (2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share?

    Nauseau off and on which is more annoying than anything else because it's totally unpredictable. Libby is starting to speak in three and four word phrases...it's SO cute! I love to hear her say "I love you!"

    (3) Next appointment date? Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up?

    U/S on July 8

    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week?

    Tantrums and not napping. Ugh. She's got days when she just refuses to nap, so we've taken to "quiet time" when she goes in her crib, awake, and stays there for an hour talking to herself quietly. On those days she goes to bed about an hour earlier than "normal." She's also starting to throw things when she doesn't get her way and says, "uh-oh." We tell her, "it's not uh-oh if you throw it."

    (5) What's your favorite thing about being pregnant? Least favorite?

    I loved feeling Libby's movements and look forward to that again soon. I didn't like the aches and pains of the third tri nor managing GD. I already have aches and pains this time around and am desperately trying to avoid GD. I wondered if my OB would test me earlier this time, but she said no.

    (6) Does your LO still wake during the night? What do you do when that happens?

    Maybe once or twice a week but she puts herself back to sleep. We hear her on the monitor and then, usually, within 10-15 minutes she's back to sleep again.

    (7) What are some of your favorite family activities to do with LO (including dad)?

    We have a lot of neighborhood parks with playgrounds and splash pads so we try to get to one on a daily basis. If it's TOO hot then we head to the toddler play area at the mall, which is literally across the street from us. She also loves to go to the pet store and look at all the pets!

    DH takes LO to the Library Reading Hour for Toddlers every Wednesday morning and also to the farmer's market. We also like to walk our neighborhood (again to the local playground) and lately will take Libby in her wagon (she's kinda over her stroller these days!), which she loves! At home we spend a lot of time together reading aloud, singing/dancing to music, and playing with toys on the floor together (we don't have a TV).

    (8) What other questions would you like to see in upcoming check-ins? TTCers: Which cycle are you on? Where in the cycle are you? What, if anything, are you doing/trying for TTC success?
  • Options

    (3) Next appointment date?  not sure...she has had a lingering ear infection for a month (despite being on different antibiotics the whole time) and it is still not clear so pedi said we have to call ENT.  I know the ENT's solution is going to be tubes which I am okay with, it is the anesthia that worries me.

    Any interest in trying an alternative approach, even just while waiting to get an ENT appt?  J has had 2 bouts of ear infection (one of those times was a double infection) and has had them all clear up in less than a week w/out antibiotics - when multiple kids at his daycare were going round and round with abx resistent infections.  The ND had him start on those and re-checked for improvement less than a week later (with an abx 'script on hand should his fever rise).  This isn't the brand I use, but has the same ingredients:


    locally you could probably find it at an herb shop/health store and if you have one I know whole foods regularly stocks it .

    J also goes to a Chiro which can help with getting the ear to drain.  But I know lots of people are uncomfortable with chiro treatment.

    I am definitely interested in other options.  Thanks so much for the info.  I had never heard of the garlic drops and didn't even think of a chiro!!

    I second garlic drops for ear infections. Thankfully Libby's never had one, but my niece had them chronically (due to sinus issues caused by allergies) and was always on antibiotics that never quite did the deed. They switched to the garlic drops and right away she was clear of the ear infections. They became the standard rememdy as soon as she had any complaint of ear pain. They work!
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    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week? Table manners. I know they're still too young for real manners, but lately Dash has started throwing his food. Not in the "I'm full and bored" way, just because he likes to watch it (but is still hungry). We've just been taking his food away and then giving him only a bite or two at a time, but it's still aggravating. Any advice?

    We do the same thing, or rather, I do - I only give him like 2-3 pieces of something at a time, then when he's done, he can have more.  If he does throw it on the floor, there's a very stern and loud "NO throwing food!" - I think he finally gets the tone and knows it's not good.  He usually stops for awhile and then tests us again eventually.  This is the only time I wish we had a dog.

    It's so frustrating, isn't it?! I mean, I know he's not trying to be "bad" but it's just so aggravating when you know they need to eat. Tongue Tied

    Also, OMG yes dogs are awesome when it comes to feeding kids. Ours have to wait until mealtime is over, and then we call them to take care of the mess. They know the command "clean" now lol!

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    Also, OMG yes dogs are awesome when it comes to feeding kids. Ours have to wait until mealtime is over, and then we call them to take care of the mess. They know the command "clean" now lol!

    Okay, I am SO glad we're not the only ones who do this! LOL! We call it our "lazy parenting"...no clean up!

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    (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO?she's about 19.5 months old now
    (2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share?not a milestone but excited that she likes her wee squeak sandals now :) when I first got them for her she was terrified of them and screamed to get them off. after that I could not even get them near her or even get her to hold them! but, after about a month of leaving them out so she could see them and letting her hold them, she finally let me put them on her again and now she loves them :)
    (3) Next appointment date?  Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up?we're leaving soon for CA so that will be fun :) not sure about the flight...she usually does great but fights sleep but I tried to time the flight so that we'd be arriving in CA right about nap time. so hopefully she'll be a happy flier :) this will be her 13th flight so she is a pretty seasoned traveler!
    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week?just trying to get her into her chair to eat.  I think she'd rather run around and have me hand food to her instead of sitting at the table.  when I took the high chair try off, the first few days it was novel to her so she liked sitting at the table w/o a tray...but now she is fighting me again.  most of the time I just force her into the chair even though she is kicking and screaming and once she is done and i give her something she wants to eat she forgets about it completely :)
    (5) What's your favorite thing about being pregnant? Least favorite?favorite - feeling the baby kickleast favorite - morning sickness
    (6) Does your LO still wake during the night? What do you do when that happens?she still wakes up several times during the night but she just goes right back to sleep. sometimes she cries for 10 seconds, other times she talks in her sleep a little bit, and other times she will get up and go to the other side of the crib or turn on her seahorse but she always goes back down on her own.  I don't typically have to go get her or anything like that.
    (7) What are some of your favorite family activities to do with LO (including dad)?playing in the alley way behind the house. we don't have a yard so she plays a lot in the alley.  there is little car traffic and also a field at the end of the alley so she has a lot of fun running up and down there, pointing to the birds, picking up rocks, etc.lately the Little Gym has become a fav. activity too :)and just sitting down and reading books is a lot of fun. these days she will complete my sentences when I am reading a book to her if I pause and let her finish :) it's really cute.
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    (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO?7.5 months
    (2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share?at this very moment, i'm frustrated!  but putting that aside, E is army crawling now!  and really close to getting all the way up on all fours.
    (3) Next appointment date?  Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up?in a few weeks for developmental assessment, then 9 month well-baby
    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week?i was going to say none, except it just took 1.5 hours to get him to sleep for the night.  usually, i put him down and walk out, and he falls asleep on his own.  let's just say, it wasn't like that tonight.  i know he was overtired, but still, ugh.
    (5) What's your favorite thing about being pregnant? Least favorite?i think i'm starting to get a bit of baby fever (though we are NOT TTC #2 anytime soon!), so my answers may be a little rose-colored Stick out tongue
    favorite - feeling the baby kick, and feeling so close and protective of him
    least favorite - i had an easy pregnancy and loved being pregnant!  if I had to pick something, i guess, not being able to sleep comfortably, and having to get up in the middle of the night to pee all the time Smile
    (6) Does your LO still wake during the night? What do you do when that happens?E recently started STTwholeN.  yay! 
    (7) What are some of your favorite family activities to do with LO (including dad)?we like to take E swimming, and also walk to the playgrounds near our house (there are 2 different ones) and play with E on the swings and the slide.   mostly though, we just play with him at home.  i'm looking forward to more activities as he gets older.
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