I thought I had timed everything perfectly for the last two months and I found myself with an unexpected visit from AF on Monday 10/13. I am three weeks from turning 37 and have two beautiful and healthy girls. I had a miscarriage back in May at 15 weeks. IMy first AF after the miscarriage was on 6/24. In July I had AF for one day on July10th(17 days after my AF in June). My August AF arrived on August 10th. We started trying in August but were surprised by AF on September 13th. I thought I had my ovulation down pat and we tried again last month only to be surprised at AF this month on 10/13. My cycles, both before and after miscarriage, are ranging from 31 to 34 days. I think I'm going to buy an OPK this month. Getting AF is really depressing me. Has anyone had any luck with these? Also, what else are you doing to improve your chances of getting pregnant?
Three beautiful girls!
DD#1 8-23-01
DD#2 4-25-07
DD#3 10-19-10
Re: I might just need to buy a OPK
Have you considered charting? Do you get fertile CM? When I get a new job, my gift to myself is a CBEFM and a lot of women here have had good luck with those.
Nothing breeds faster than Crazy
I have had very good luck with Clearblue Easy Digital OPKs. You don't have to guess about a line b/c it gives you a clear blank circle or a smiley face (once it detects you LH surge). You can also use them with FMU. I used them for 4 cycles and got a single positive day every time.
So far, I am getting the surge b/w CD 16-18. It has also helped me gauge how long my LP is. I know a lot of people on here disagree, but I am not sure charting would provide me with that much more info.
Thanks for your input ladies.
<a href="https://www.thebump.com"><img src="https://www.thebump.com/Calculators/Tickers/TickerTicker.aspx?&TT=bdy&CL=29&CT=&CG=F&O=m_sun&T=t_b5&D=20010823&D1=2008&T2=&T1=&CC=0&CO=&radio=" alt="NestBaby Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker" border="0" /></a>
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
I charted right off of BCP because I didnt want to waste time. My first cycle I ovulated on CD 23 and my second on CD 17. I ?used an OPK on my second cycle so I knew that I was about to ovulate.
?I got a BFP on my second cycle and now have an amazing baby boy. ? So I highly recommend OPKs. ?
Personally, I love my CBEFM.
If you decide to get one, get it (and the sticks) from ebay. Do not believe the claims that it can be used only on one woman - lots of nesties here, including me - got theirs from ebay. You'll get a much better deal.