Cloth Diapering


I am soooo curious and intrigued about CDing and am trying to research. I feel like you all are experts which is encouraging bc it seems so complicated!

I know that my DH's biggest concern is with poop being in the washing machine and then washing our clothes in the same place. So I was looking at some of the disposable liners/inserts. Has anyone used them? Do they work as a possible "training wheels" till he possible gets used to them?



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Re: Newbie/lurker

  • my dh had that same concern initially. really there will be poop in the washer regardless though bc if you use disposables it gets on the clothes bc blowouts happen frequently. there has never been one speck of poop in our washer after washing cds.

    also if you plan to bf that poop is really just your milk digested. thats how i sold it to dh. we used bummis disposable liners during the peanut butter poop phase once we introduced solids after 6 mo. once her poop became more ploppable i cut up my own fleece liners that i reuse. the poop rolls right off them.

    another option would be a diaper sprayer. if you used that from day 1 you could remove the poop that way prior to washing. hope that helps. good luck and welcome :) 

    DD1 born 5/24/10.

    Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.

    DD2 born 5/14/13.

    Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.

    Expecting someone new 4/17/17.
  • Disposable liners can seriously mess up people's septic systems, so I would be careful with them...even though the idea is dreamy. They also continually cost money, whereas a diaper sprayer is a one time cost.

    I suggest a diaper sprayer for when your bebe starts in on the solids. I have one that I've been using and I spray so that there are no flecks of anything left on the diaper.  It's not that bad as my LO generally only goes to the bathroom once a day or once every day or two-- the rest are pee!

    As well, most people run an extra rinse or two on diapers to keep any build up at bay... maybe that might help convince your DH?


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