
Starting to buy diapers.

DH and I decided that we're going  to start tossing a pack of diapers in the cart during each weekly shopping trip.  Now having no idea what size these peanuts will come out as, what do you suggest? 

I guess it also makes sense to buy lots of different sizes? Are any of you starting to "stock pile?"  

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Re: Starting to buy diapers.

  • Diapers are cheapest on Amazon, so I'm not sure if buying it in the grocery store will be your best bet.

    What if you set aside $20 each week into a specail account and use that to buy diapers later?  But to answer your question, I would start by getting a box of NB Pampers and a box of NB Huggies and some size 1s in differnt brands and see what your babies will like.

    Honestly, diapers aren't all that expensive that you'll need to save up for.  I spend far more on formula than on diaps!  I would estimate we spend less than $50 a month on diapers and wipes.

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  • I suggest stocking up on giftcards rather than diapers. Mostly because you have no idea whether you will end up with preemies or 7 lb babies. You don't know if you will have 2 different size babies like a lot of us do, who wear 2 different size diapers. You also don't know how fast they will put on weight.

    My suggestion is to buy a couple packs or NB and Size 1 diapers, and then stock up on giftcards after that. Whenever you would buy diapers, buy giftcards instead. Once you know what you actually need, you're good to go!

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  • My first bit of advice would be not to buy diapers without a coupon!  There are SO many dipe coupons out there!  Even at 7+ lbs at birth we still used Pampers NB for 7 weeks.  Also beware that you may not like the fit of certain brands - we had one box of Huggies and hated them!
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  • We put $100 a week in our savings from 9 weeks til they were born. We just pulled it out as we needed for formula and diapers.

    My Mom did  a diaper raffle at my shower so we got tons of diapers in all sizes alot of newborns and 1's and 2's.

    We didnt have any Preemie diapers and Danny was only 5lbs, so the hospital gave us a bunch for us to get by until we got out for Preemie ones.



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  • I did this everytime we went to Walmart/Target. I usually am there at least once a week so I got a big thing of wipes and diapers everytime. We also got a lot from the babyshowers. We just now bought our first pack of diapers about 2 weeks ago. They lasted for quite awhile! And we still have a lot of size 4's that they will grow into.

    Everytime I went, I would buy a different size. Also try and   

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  • I agree with PPs - just save the money towards diapers, wipes, and formula if you plan on FF.  You may buy a bunch of a particular brand and then not like them.  Plus you don't want to end up with a bunch of size 1's or NBs that you can't use.  I also second what was said about coupons and sales - don't buy diapers without them.

    We got tons of diapers from people and were able to determine what brand we liked from those.  We ended up with enough diapers to last the first couple of weeks.

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  • I started stocking up on Pampers, I used them with our son. Definitely keep an eye out for coupons, I NEVER buy diapers without coupons.
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  • Amazon has dipers about $5 a box cheaper than Target and you don't pay tax/shipping.

    I have them sending me and DH a box a month. After using them with DD I know what diapers I like (Pampers) but Huggies are $5 cheaper than Pampers and they worked just fine with DD. She wore preemies for 3wks (5lbs, 4oz) and was in NBs for 3 months.

    It's different for every situation, but if you haven't done it before... I say get Amazon gift cards : )

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  • I am a huge fan of Costco diapers and Huggies. Anytime they had a Costco coupon I would buy the max limit for the coupon. Costco is great with their returns so I am not worried about returning them if they outgrow them. Right now my boys are in size 2 but those are getting a little tight. I am down to my last box and I have about 8 boxes in the basement in size 3. 

     I started buying them when I first found out I was pregnant. 


    I really wish I would have started a Formula fund. Formula is about 4 times the cost of diapers. 

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  • Sign up for Amazon Mom and do the Subscribe & Save. Much cheaper than anywhere else for diapers and they ship to your house for free! I agree with PP too though, if you're going to buy diapers in the store, ALWAYS use a coupon! You'll save a lot! We started buying diapers/wipes when we found out we were having twins but quickly ran out of room to store them, so we started putting money on a giftcard every time we buy groceries. We've got a lot of money saved on the giftcard and can use it for whatever we need after they get here.
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  • I would  buy various sizes, a couple of preemie, one, two, etc.  But before you buy check for coupons...Huggies and Pampers offer a lot of good deals, and Amazon offers great prices too.  No matter what, if you buy in a store you will be able to exchange them for a larger size if they outgrow before you need to put them suggestion though is to ask for diapers.  Register for them and if anyone asks what you need --- it's diapers!!  We were so blessed to have four baby showers, I told everyone we needed diapers and one of the showers included a diaper raffle.  Everyone was asked to bring a package of diapers and they raffled off a nice gift :) it was a win-win.  All of that combined = my hubby and I not having to buy diapers until our twin girls were over 6 1/2 months old.

    Good luck and congrats!!

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