My SIL and brother have a son who is 9 mos. old and has been EBF. She is a teacher so while at work she would pump for him. She now has a huge freezer stash of BM and is still BFing. Anyway, she will have lots left over that she will not use once she weans him at one year.
I BF my boys but they get the occassional bottle of formula too because I can't usually find the time to pump. For instance, when we leave the house or if DH feeds them. So SIL says that she will give my any leftover BM that she has. I am not sure how I feel about that. I guess it is better than them getting formula, right? Not that I am oppossed to formula at all.
She is very healthy, nonsmoker, etc. So I have no worries that her BM is good. I am just curious what others might do in this situation.
Re: WDYT...BM from SIL
Medically/safety wise as long as she froze it properly and you're not concerned about health issues, I don't see why not.
Personally, you just have to decide if that's okay with you. I know people that have used the BM banks before at hospitals and such, so at least this is coming from family who you know. My friend also had her sister BF her daughter a couple times right after delivery while her milk was trying to come in so they could avoid bottles in the beginning... I'd say it really just depends on your relationship with your SIL more than anything. I'm not sure me and my SIL would do the same, but we're 3000 miles away and so we've never gotten that close bond that we could if we were closer.
Hmm, not sure! I am wondering if your babies would take the milk from another woman after having yours for 5 months, though. I do know that breastmilk changes for your babies' needs, which makes me think her milk would be a slightly different composition than yours (also based on different diets, etc.).
It's an interesting topic... I've heard of donating milk, but I don't know what kind of testing it undergoes before use, or how it gets assigned to certain babies.
No kidding! Plus if it's coming from someone you know and trust that's even better. I'd definitely take her up on that.
This is really the only thing that would make me hesitate. HOW MUCH breast milk changes based on baby's age is beyond me. Overall, I'd probably go for it, becuase I like the idea of BM so much more than formula. (Plust like pp say - it's free!) the only thing I would never consider is actually having someone else nurse my child, I know they use to do that in the old days, hire a wet nurse, but that idea is uber creepy to me.
This exactly!
I would have LOVED to be in your shoes. Personally, I'd take her up on it in a h/b!
4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!