
Anyone used Restasis?

I have pretty bad dry eye and was just prescribed Restasis. 

Here are my questions for you:

 - Did it work?  How long until you saw results?  How many doses did you get out of a vial?

Thanks you!

SAHM to DD1 (7), DS (5) and DD2 (1)

Re: Anyone used Restasis?

  • I used it for awhile, and honestly my issue cleared up before I saw any significant results (only used it for a month).

    I was able to get a couple of days out of a vial - my eye doc told me to cover the top of it (saran wrap) and to keep it refrigerated to maintain freshness - ETA:  THIS WAS OFF LABEL - you're only supposed to use a vial once and dispose of the rest - ugh - expensive!!  He told me it would take at least two months before seeing any improvement :(

  • I have been curious about this, I have had very dry eyes since having lasik done 5 years ago.  Can an optometrist prescribe it, or do you have to go to an opthamologist?
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  • I'm on it.  I had non-functioning tear glands so my eyes were really dry.  It does take several months before you notice a difference.  Also, it hurts like hell of you have any inflamation or abrasions on your eyes from the dry patches.  It's best to get that under control with steroids for a couple of weeks before starting Restasis.  When it first came out, it was thought that patients would have to stay on it for life.  Now they're finding out that sometimes it will improve the quantity/quality of tears enough that patients can eventually stop.  I had completely non-funtioning tear glands with no medical cause.  (I was tested for auto-immune disorders, etc.)  I've been on Restasis since October and my tear glands are now functioning at 40% of normal. 

    I can use a vial for about 2-2.5 days.

  • I have been using it for about 4 yrs now.  I have severe dry eye (extremely low tear production), and I also have another condition where the glands that produce the oil that also lubricates your eyes get 'clogged' and essentially don't function.  Quite frankly, I didn't even know eyes had oil glands until I found this out lol.  Anyhow, I use it once a day (mornings), one drop in each eye- I can use a vial for about 2 - 2.5 days.  I saw results almost immediately after starting it.  It's hella expensive and I have no coverage for it with my new insurance.  I was under the impression from my opthalmologist that I'd need to use it for life, unless I'd like to go back to the feeling of wanting to rip my eyes out of my head with every blink!
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