Things you make ahead and heat in one pot, like spagetti, stew. Always have bacon in the morning because it sucks to smell it all over the campground and not have it. Thing cooked over the fire, hotdogs, sausages.
Proud Mommy to Kaylie 12-04, Alaina 5-06 & Annalise 6-08
I used to make big, elaborate, totally luxurious meals when we camped (think filet mignon, grilled salmon, brie, etc.) but after a while got tired of the entire trip pretty much consisting of nothing but setting up the cooking equipment, preparing food, then the arduous task of hauling water and heating it up to wash dishes.
Now I go for simplicity. I don't have the time or patience for the big meals anymore. I usually take our Coleman-style 2 burner stove, a small portable propane grill, a pot for boiling water and a cast iron skillet. Some ideas-
Breakfast: Oatmeal, muffins from home, yogurt, fresh fruit, sometimes hashbrowns & eggs if I'm feeling ambitious. Bacon precooked at home and just reheated in a skillet. Always coffee, hot chocolate, etc.
Lunch: Hummus & pita bread, carrot sticks, pasta salad from home, hunks of cheese, salami and good bread, sandwiches and chips.
Dinner: Grilled cheese and tomato soup. Spaghetti. Hot dogs. Burgers. Salmon patties (canned salmon) and steamed broccoli. Boxed mac & cheese. Hobo dinners. Chili made at home and just reheated. Sloppy joe works well the same way as does soup. Grilled chicken (pre-grilled, of course) over a prewashed bagged salad.
I love breakfast burritos for breakfast. They can mostly be made in one pan. pick a meat, eggs, and hashbrowns. Add some cheese and salsa on the tortilla.
Re: Anyone know any good meals for when you're camping?
hot dogs, smores, lol.
London Broil marinated in a Ziplock bag overnight in Italian salad dressing and cooked on a fire or grill.
I used to make big, elaborate, totally luxurious meals when we camped (think filet mignon, grilled salmon, brie, etc.) but after a while got tired of the entire trip pretty much consisting of nothing but setting up the cooking equipment, preparing food, then the arduous task of hauling water and heating it up to wash dishes.
Now I go for simplicity. I don't have the time or patience for the big meals anymore. I usually take our Coleman-style 2 burner stove, a small portable propane grill, a pot for boiling water and a cast iron skillet. Some ideas-
Breakfast: Oatmeal, muffins from home, yogurt, fresh fruit, sometimes hashbrowns & eggs if I'm feeling ambitious. Bacon precooked at home and just reheated in a skillet. Always coffee, hot chocolate, etc.
Lunch: Hummus & pita bread, carrot sticks, pasta salad from home, hunks of cheese, salami and good bread, sandwiches and chips.
Dinner: Grilled cheese and tomato soup. Spaghetti. Hot dogs. Burgers. Salmon patties (canned salmon) and steamed broccoli. Boxed mac & cheese. Hobo dinners. Chili made at home and just reheated. Sloppy joe works well the same way as does soup. Grilled chicken (pre-grilled, of course) over a prewashed bagged salad.
Breakfast- bacon, egg and cheese on eng muffins. Cold cereal (in the summer only!), muffin (baked at home) and fruit.
Lunch- sandwiches, pre cut veggies and dip, snacks snacks snacks!
Dinner- burgers, hot dogs, steak tips, mac salad made at home,
Lots of apples, bananas, marshmellos, jiffy pop to make over the fire- my boys eat like bears when we're camping!
Mum to Owen and Lucas
I love breakfast burritos for breakfast. They can mostly be made in one pan. pick a meat, eggs, and hashbrowns. Add some cheese and salsa on the tortilla.
These are great
They are fun and tons of great recipes for them.
We have gotten those just add water soup mixes and those are yummy.
oh for breakfast we also get those just add water in the shaker container pancake mixes.
Anything goes, seriously.
But what I look forward to when camping is pancakes and bacon over the fire. Mmmm.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008