

Hi! I have triplets too! My girls are 6 weeks old and are the same size as your babies are now. That's great that you've gotten so far and they are a nice weight! I was in the hospital for 9 days before I had them at 27 weeks 2 days. I was surprised at how fast those days went; hopefully they have for you as well. I love that they are so 'new' but have such different personalities. It's fun watching them. Anyway, I just wanted to give a shoutout to another triplet mom. :-)

Re: *Hunt2005*

  • Aww, thanks! The days have gone surprisingly quickly. I remember when I got here 3 weeks ago I had no idea how I would make it through one week, much less 3-5. I have to say, I'm kinda over it now though ;) Could just be that its 530 and there's Jo point in going back to sleep because the docs will be in room though! :)
    ~*~ Nikki ~*~ DS born 2/18/08! TTC #2 since 01/2009 11/01 Round #5 Clomid 100 mg, IUI 11/14, at 10dpiui 11/26 Beta:12dpiui 114 11/29 Beta:15dpiui 755 1/9/10 First U/S: TRIPLETS! 6/20/11 And then there were six... Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • Ugh! I hated the early morning Dr visits. Do they monitor their heartbeats daily? I found that annoying too because they always had trouble finding V's; we knew she was there but she would 'run' from that monitor as soon as she felt It. One night it took 3 hours for them to get the heart readings they needed. Do you know if they are boys, girls, or a combo?
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  • Thankfully we do a BPP daily instead. The first two days they tried doing NSTs ever 8 hours and it was miserable trying to hold the sensors in place! I definitely wasn't a morning person before this, but after 3 weeks of 6am wake up calls from the nurses I am up by 545 on my own now. At least I'll be ready for the triplets? Lol. I'm having two girls and a boy :) Quite excited.
    ~*~ Nikki ~*~ DS born 2/18/08! TTC #2 since 01/2009 11/01 Round #5 Clomid 100 mg, IUI 11/14, at 10dpiui 11/26 Beta:12dpiui 114 11/29 Beta:15dpiui 755 1/9/10 First U/S: TRIPLETS! 6/20/11 And then there were six... Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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