Cloth Diapering

Newbie Wool Suggestions

I'd like to get a couple of wool soakers and some hemp inserts to have on hand in case we have leaking issues.  I saw that someone asked about hemp below, so just a wool question...

Where would you start?  Can you recommend specific web sites/etsy shops for starters?  And what would you get specifically?  Just a soaker or two?


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Re: Newbie Wool Suggestions

  • Popular retailers for interlock wool soakers include Wild Child Woolies (abbreviated WCW on the board) and Wee Little Woolens (WLW).  Both have Etsy stores, and WCW also stock a Hyenacart store on occasion.  We have two WCW soakers and I love them.

    You can also try Woollybottoms; they have an internet store (non-Etsy, non-Hyena).  She stocks at random, or at least appears to do so to me, and a lot of her stuff sells out really fast.  Her sizing also runs large, so be sure to check sizes before ordering.  She sells upcycled woolies (made from old sweaters).

    I'd start with one or maybe two soakers.  I like having more than one because I can rotate them so that one can dry while the other is in use, but they are relatively expensive (upcycled ones tend to be cheaper than interlock), so if cost is an issue I'd just get one to try it out.

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  • I got my first one from here, and I absolutely love it.

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