Used to worry about how small I was for 27 weeks. Also worried about how much stuff there was to get and how my boyfriend really isn't on board with this baby. Now I just found out that I am suffering with gestational D (you can imagine what it stands for, I cannot bear to spell it out.) Does anybody else have this affliction and are they worried about it's overall effect on them and on their baby? Does anybody know if it is temporary and will go away once you give birth? Does anyone have any eating/cooking ideas now that they are limited in what they eat? Oh and one last rant, but once they took the 3 or even 5 hour test did the results show that the inicial diagnosis was incorrect? Welcome any feedback thanks.
Re: new worries
Well, as I understand it, the one-hour test is just a screen, to see who is more at risk. The three-hour is more diagnostic. I failed the one-hour (due to a problem with communication, but that's another story), but did fine on the three-hour.
If you've actually been diagnosed with GD (no further testing, they want you to talk to a nutritionist) you may want to check out the high-risk pregnancy board. There are a lot of women there with GD, I'll bet they have some great tips. Good luck!
I did not have GD, but I think it's fairly common, especially for us AMAers. I know a couple of my neighbors had it. I'm sure your doctor can go over all the medical stuff for you. It's certainly not as dire as it used to be. Close monitoring, etc.
This too shall pass.
clueless as to what AMA stands for, but thanks for the support. As for the other comment on whether I have family support yes, my mom although she can't really watch her once I go back to work as she needs to work herself. I also have his sister and his father and aunts and such. I have emtional support on both ends except for him. Hopefully he will come around. Don't have any delusions about it though. Just need to get this GD in check. Thanks for possitive feedback ladies.