Baby Names

In case you missed it: BeenThere22 is a confirmed troll

In case you missed the happenings of this morning, I'd like to fill you in on what happened. BeenThere22 is a confirmed troll and Alternate Ego (AE) of MommyNoelle. Last night she proclaimed that JustDandy is dead. JustDandy is also a confirmed troll, and AE of BeenThere22, BeckyInCandyland, and MommyNoelle.

I spent a lot of time typing out a response, so I made sure I saved it before posting, in case of a Dirty Delete (DD). Well, it turns out that she did DD (further confirmation that what I was saying is true), so here is her OP for those that missed it.

I'm sorry if it wasn't posted here...but I'm pretty sure I read it here? The post was from a poster who had two daughters. I can't remember the older daughters name, but I know the infant was named Romy, because she posted about it on the Baby Names board. Anyways, she posted a month or so ago and said her husband and daughter were killed and then I never saw her post again. Today, my friend posted a care page link on her blog and I clicked it and it said that 'H and Romy were in a far accident and H died' and I read further and it talked about how Romys dad and sister were killed a month ago. They only gave initials for them (JR and A). I can't find the care page to link though! It was PrayforRomy. Can anyone reassure me it wasn't this poster?! I'm psychically sick after reading all this. I really hope this is MUD from some very sick person.

Readers of this post were confused until she posted a link to a care page, which is the link that BeenThere claims was emailed to her. (


Here is my response to her in that thread:

Luckily, it is MUD. And so is this post! And you are a very sick person.


I've had just about enough of your B.S., BeenThere/JustDandy/BeckyInCandyLand/MommyNoelle!

I stood by, while you pulled one over on the 3-6 Month Board earlier this month. But I'm not going to let you pull this crap on the Baby Names Board!


Okay, in case you are confused, let me catch you up on what is going on in this post:

~On May 9th, 2011, JustDandy posted on the 3-6 Month Board, saying that her husband and her oldest daughter, Aloisia, had died in a drunk driving accident on April 26th, 2011.

Here's that OP, in case she Dirty Deletes (DDs) it: "Confused. Heart torn out. Any way you phrase it, my emotions are a roller coaster. It's taken me a long time to get up the nerve to post this, but I'm not receiving much support from my 'real' life friends and my family lives far away and in Germany. Here is the post I wrote on my blog, a week after the accident: On April 26th at 6:00 pm, my life came to a screeching halt. More so an abrupt slam than a gradual downfall. "Ma'am, there's been an accident. We need you to come to the hospital." BAM. Just like that. Words said, life changed. A night meant to be a celebration of a friend's birthday and my first night out without the kids suddenly turned in to a mad rush to the ER. Husband thinks it's a good idea to have best friend over while watching girls. Husband thinks it's a good idea to have a few beers while watching girls. Husband thinks it's a good idea to drive best friend home when best friend's car doesn't start. Husband runs over the ditch and kills himself and Aloisia. Death should be closure, right? I should be able to say "Well, he died. So he paid for his stupid mistake". Right?? But he took Isa from me. He took her from her sister. People aren't so quick to offer sympathy when your husband is responsible for the crash. And was drinking. Out of respect to Isa, the newspaper/newstations obliged my request to not say her name when revealing the events of the accident. I want to honor her, but I don't want people to say, "Oh? Was that the girl whose dad killed her?". I don't know what I'm feeling towards H. Anger? Pity? I feel so wrong for missing him. But mainly, I just feel wrong in every aspect." 

~Later that day, she made this post; "Thank you for the comfort your words brought me; I printed out the responses and brought them with me while I waited for an appt. I wish I could hug you all for the support you conveyed. My therapist said, "Wow. Maybe I should make all my patients sign up on online forums if they get the responses you did!". So, thank you. Thank you thank you thank you. God bless you all and your sweet sweet babies."  

~Today, BeenThere is posting here on the Baby Names Board, and on the 3-6 Month Board (, saying that she randomly found a link to a care page that says that JustDandy is dead, and her younger daughter Romy is in the hospital (surprise- another drunk driving accident).


Now that you are caught up, we can move on to the reason I'm calling her out.

I've been working with some other BNBers on this for quite some time now. If they want to stand up and say that they were a part of this, they can, but I don't want to include their name, in case they wish to remain anonymous (and they are all asleep right now, so I can't ask them).

I'm only gonna do a few basics right now, and I might edit it to add more later. This way, my post will be on the first page, and more people will see it, before they get too sad over something that didn't really happen.

Our theory is that BeenThere22 is the same person as JustDandy. You remember JustDandy, don't you?
~ She was the Bumpie that was married to a German, who got all crazy when someone on the board used the word "nazi".
~ She also posted about the drama when her mother gave her a baby blanket with the wrong name embroidered on it on purpose, because she didn't like the name she chose for her DD2.

Evidence of BeenThere22 as a troll (PLEASE NOTE: Having just one of any of the following does not automatically mean they are a troll. But having a combination of all of them certainly causes suspicion):


Here's her very first post on the Baby Names Board (that I'm aware of):

~ She picks a name for her son that she could easily see from lurking for any amount of time that many on the board identify as one of their "guilty pleasure names".

~ For instance, only one month before her introduction post, I myself said in the FAQ "guilty pleasures" thread that I love Greek mythology names, and even listed Apollonia as an example.
~ Therefore, she assumes that by picking this name, we will collectively view her as "gutsy", and possibly even look up to her for being so bold.
~ She picks a first/middle name combo (Apollo John) that was in fact mentioned, (and even recommended) only 3 months earlier in this thread:
~ After just a couple of weeks, she apparently feels the need to reiterate the fact that her son's name is Apollo. So she acts like she regrets naming him that, so that we will all tell her how great she is- again.

~ According to her siggy, the b/g twins, Camden and Grier are 5 years old.
~ It's a known fact that trolls are attracted to faking twin pregnancies.
~ Basically, they get to pick twice the amount of names, with half the amount of pregnancies. That's not to mention the fact that "twins" threads usually end up drawing twice the amount of attention, (on which a troll thrives).
~ I NEVER trust a poster that claims to have or be pregnant with twins, unless I know for a fact they have long been a regular member of either the IF, IF Vets, Secondary IF, PAIF, SAIF or Multiples board.


 ~ According to this post, made only 2 days after the original "My son's name is Apollo" post, he was diagnosed with profound hearing loss.

~Grier (one of the twins) was also diagnosed with mild OCD back in 2010, according to her siggy.
*And while do I feel sorry for Bumpies with children diagnosed with health problems, I still haven't gotten over the whole MommyNoelle/BeckyInCandyland situation, and I don't believe for a second that that particularly horrid troll is tired of playing with us.

Drama seems to follow this girl everywhere she goes!  (I realize many Bumpies cause drama on purpose for no good reason every once in a while, but keep in mind that it is the main objective of a troll.)
Here are just a few sample threads from the last 3 days [at the time this was originally written] (starting with the most recent, and working backwards).

~"From a Brit's point of view..."
-Insulting Americans as a whole, basically for not saying the name Pippa with an R at the end of it.
-"Cringing" at us. "Laughing" at us. Accusing us of "trying so hard to act British with our names".
-Creating drama for no good reason. She says herself that there's no point to the post.
-I guess she got tired of playing nice, and now her true troll skin is showing through..

~"Clutch your pearl necklaces (CIO)"
Interesting note: She makes it a point to say that she's too lazy to make an AE.
~"What the F happened?!"
-She posts an open inquiry looking to see what, if anything, the regulars of that board know about a specific troll, named LameChicks.
-The regulars tell BeenThere that they suspect Htuzzi (another regular) of making an LameChicks as an AE.
-Then LameChicks posts in the thread "I knew you people had no freaking clue.  I love it!"
-But if you read it as though BeenThere and LameChicks are the same person, it's like she says "Do you guys have a clue?"
Then the regulars accuse the wrong person.
Then she says "Nope. You don't have a clue!

~May 23, 2011. BeenThere asks the Multiples Board if anyone else thought MommyNoelle was a "great faker". Keep in mind that MommyNoelle had manipulated many on that board (and many other boards) into praying for her [nonexistent] pre-term twins in the NICU. They were all very upset to learn that MommyNoelle was a troll, so IMO, it would show a lack of judgement to make this post.


~Very few people could find it possible to deny the similarity between JustDandy's "vintage picture" of her firstborn daughter, Aloisia (on the left), and BeenThere's picture of her new baby, Apollo (on the right).


~And here's a newer picture (Posted in BeenThere's siggy during April). If anythng, this improves the chances that this really is the troll's baby IRL. 



If you are still reading this extremely long post, you are awesome! Hopefully you will join me in safeguarding our beloved board from known trolls. Usually trolls don't bother me as much. But this particular one has a habit of taking advantage of our compassion, by asking us for thoughts and prayers for people who don't even exist. I just want him or her to know that this board is not going to fall for it, so he or she might as well take it somewhere else.

I know there will be at least one person who still believes what BeenThere is saying, and that's fine. It's your choice. Have a good day everyone!


Re: In case you missed it: BeenThere22 is a confirmed troll

  • ames71ames71 member
    Add Natalie800 to that ever-growing list.
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I didn't realize there was already a DD post. Sorry LurkeyLoo. I've just been refreshing BeenThere's post, not actually going on the board for updates (till now). 

    I actually had this post written and ready to go before I ever hit "post" on my PP in BeenThere's thread. I learned that lesson from dealing with past AEs. Big Smile

    Add Natalie800 to that ever-growing list.
    Definitely! But I don't think that AE will stick around and start pretending to like Baby Names all of a sudden. I think she was a [weak] last ditch effort.

    In fact, I'm pretty sure BeenThere has already been posting under a new identity ever since the "Is it just me, or was MommyNoelle a good faker?" post.

    In my opinion, although she was fishing for compliments in that thread, she was MOSTLY fishing for something else. I think she wanted someone to say, "Oh please. MommyNoelle was not THAT good of a troll. She did this, this, and this, which were obvious signs of trollism." I think she was getting ready to create her new AE, and she was trying to figure out how not to get caught this time.

    I believe she's gotten the new AE rolling, and this whole "JustDandy is dead" post was just a last attempt at drama and attention, before she ditched the two identities. She knew they had been compromised (See the "From a Brit's Point of View" post.)

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  • imageames17:
    Add Natalie800 to that ever-growing list.

    I added a post and a couple links to the troll discussion post just below this one. 

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  • Thank you for finally posting this Eaglefoot!  I'm glad this troll has been called out so people can stop caring about her awful drama.  

    photo bazingif2_zps814467e5.gif


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  • imageara_cale:
    Thank you for finally posting this Eaglefoot!  I'm glad this troll has been called out so people can stop caring about her awful drama.  
    Thank YOU, Ara!

    I, too, am so glad that we don't have to hear anymore about the supposed tragedies, which we knew were not true. It could've gone on and on, with various updates on "Romy's condition", etc. We could've been staring at various "Praying for Romy" badges for weeks! Tongue Tied

  • imageEaglefoot23:

    Thank you for finally posting this Eaglefoot!  I'm glad this troll has been called out so people can stop caring about her awful drama.  
    Thank YOU, Ara!

    I, too, am so glad that we don't have to hear anymore about the supposed tragedies, which we knew were not true. It could've gone on and on, with various updates on "Romy's condition", etc. We could've been staring at various "Praying for Romy" badges for weeks! Tongue Tied

    Having to look at a bunch of badges like that would have driven me crazy!  I get so angry at these people who have nothing better to do than prey on people's sympathy.  Alright, enough drama, I'm off for vacation!  ^_^  I hope everyone has a great week!

    photo bazingif2_zps814467e5.gif


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  • imageara_cale:
    I'm off for vacation!  ^_^  I hope everyone has a great week!
    Yay! Have fun! See you next week!
  • thank you for this.  she has been posting on the multiples board. AGAIN.

    geezus this woman is insane! 

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  • Awesome sleuthing! Yes
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  • Wow...thanks for the info. I seriously do not have time for drama, but find it sad, and lame, that this is how some people choose to spend their time. Get a life!
    photo 203b9128-895f-464c-a378-ff73eaf8c1ce_zps4de57ab1.jpg
    Xander, Hayden & Lily 5 1/2 and Jericho 3 My Blog!
  • Wow. I never really noticed that poster besides the "Name Regret" post. Amazing what people will do.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickersLilypie Third Birthday tickers
      Francesca Pearl is here!             Josephine Hope is almost 3!
  • Eaglefoot, sadly, she's been posting on the Special Needs boards with us, too.  Gawd, this makes me sick.  Thanks for the gum-shoeing!!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • Wow am I ever tardy to the party. I had no idea any of this was going on. Impressive detective work, ladies. I til my eHat to you! :)
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers ***This space reserved for photo of new squish***
  • Haha, wow, you and whoever helped you are very talentent (/ observant) sleuths!

     I can't believe someone would go through so much trouble just to cause drama online! They must not have a life. Good job keeping our board a peaceful and troll-free environment! :D 

  • Wow I remember the post about the baby and dad dying in the ditch accident and this part stuck out like a big red flag to me:

    "Out of respect to Isa, the newspaper/newstations obliged my request to not say her name when revealing the events of the accident."

    In a post like that, who would go out of their way to say this? A troll. A troll who's trying to cover their spew of lies with a don't bother trying to google fact check me or my DD's unique name kinda message.

    I've also found it a reoccurring theme for trolls in messages like this to refer to the sick or ailing child with a nickname like in her case "Isa".

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  • imageSmores730:

    Wow I remember the post about the baby and dad dying in the ditch accident and this part stuck out like a big red flag to me:

    "Out of respect to Isa, the newspaper/newstations obliged my request to not say her name when revealing the events of the accident."

    In a post like that, who would go out of their way to say this? A troll. A troll who's trying to cover their spew of lies with a don't bother trying to google fact check me or my DD's unique name kinda message.

    I've also found it a reoccurring theme for trolls in messages like this to refer to the sick or ailing child with a nickname like in her case "Isa".

    I never realized that untill you said something. Most if not everyone uses DD or DS when refering to their kids. The only time anyone uses their kids real names is when they are important to the post or explaining something.

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  • I just realized that both of the Natalie800 posts were deleted, so I'm adding them here for my records (more examples of her "handwriting" could be useful later).


    11:26am- Post Title "Will s omeone please e-mail me?"

    "Hi. My name is Natalie [*Removed Lastname]. I was alerted that my Photobucket page was being deleted this morning. I went to change my password on said account on my secondary email that I have not been on for awhile and there was 'junk' mail from this site. My Photobucket will not let me in because I do not know the password (I think it was changed?). Could someone please email me about this person using my email? The email I will be checking is [*Removed email address]. I have a blog and raise money for the ALS Association, so my email [*Removed second email] is not anonymous. However, I am having a panic attack as to why/how this person is using my email. Those baby photos are of my COUSIN, not my son/daughter."

    BROOKELYNPAISLEY'S RESPONSE: "And you just happen to show up after someone using your pics was outed as a sick-minded troll? Of course. Because obviously, my first thought upon getting a "we're deleting your Photobucket account" email would be to go to the Baby Names Board on The Bump. Riiiiiight."

    MY RESPONSE:"Riiiiiight. And you just happened to look on the Baby Names Board (which by the way, I, for one, can't even find from the main page) and you just happened to click on the thread that happened to contain the photos, which just happened to be re-posted on the exact same day that you figured out your account had been "hacked"? You should have quit while you were ahead. Mj had blurred out your name on the photobucket account, so you didn't have to share that with us. Thanks though."

    IN CASE YOU MISSED THIS POST: Don't worry. No one bought it. There were plenty of responses though. (My favorite- Ames17 called her a "goldmine of absurdity".) Someone directed her to the Bump gods' email address, but she just kept posting in that thread, asking for us to email her. (We were confused about what she wanted us to email her. I don't think she actually wanted any specific info. I think she was just trying to get people's email addresses, so she could try to find their real names.)

    NATALIE'S RESPONSE: "how do i go from someone trying to get soeone to help them to a mythological green creature??? thank you to whoever posted the emeail to the head guys" 


    Then at 11:52am- a new post, entitled "thank you"

    "to whoever posted the email address. how do i edit the last post i made to delete my last name? i am completely fine with people searching me because i have nothing to hide, but obviously this place is not a safe place" 

    IN CASE YOU MISSED THIS POST: There was only one response. Mj told her how to edit it, and she did. 

  • Yikes. I never even suspected. Good work, Eaglefoot and mj!
  • imagecherokeemomma87:

    I never realized that untill you said something. Most if not everyone uses DD or DS when refering to their kids. The only time anyone uses their kids real names is when they are important to the post or explaining something.

    I've never, ever used the terms DD, DS, DH or anything else like that.  I either say Avery, or my daughter, or the baby.  

    I can't stand those abbreviations. 

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  • imageTripMomma:
    Wow...thanks for the info. I seriously do not have time for drama, but find it sad, and lame, that this is how some people choose to spend their time. Get a life!

    THIS!!! Some people are so freaking pathetic and have to go through so much just to get a little attention. I do remember reading something once about Romy and her condition or something, but I don't remember much except the name.

  • imageSmores730:

    Wow I remember the post about the baby and dad dying in the ditch accident and this part stuck out like a big red flag to me:

    "Out of respect to Isa, the newspaper/newstations obliged my request to not say her name when revealing the events of the accident."

    In a post like that, who would go out of their way to say this? A troll. A troll who's trying to cover their spew of lies with a don't bother trying to google fact check me or my DD's unique name kinda message.

    I've also found it a reoccurring theme for trolls in messages like this to refer to the sick or ailing child with a nickname like in her case "Isa".

    I thought the same thing. The blog post that was set up to inform everyone of Romy's situation (that was posted just this week) said something really similar. Something like: "in order to protect our families' privacy, we will not be posting any last names on this blog. Why would you even say that? Just don't post them! Stupid troll.  

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