Parenting after a Loss

Jax peed on DH's back while he slept.

Can't believe I forgot to tell yall this story until now. So I'm getting up to get ready for work and just as I come in from my shower, Jax wakes up (he was sleeping with us in bed). So I get dressed and then take of Jax's jams and diaper to change him. While I reached for the other new diaper, Jax takes off in bed all naked. He's being cute so I took a couple pics and he crawled over to DH who was still asleep (despite me telling him he needed to get up) and leaned against him (which I took a pic of while singing "Hey Daddy, my junk is on your back." a la "My Bum" by Tom Green). All of the sudden, DH yells "WTH! He just pissed on me!" So I laugh hysterically which makes Jax laugh hysterically and DH runs off to the shower cussing the whole time.

It was funny to me and Jax.

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