January 2011 Moms

Dribble Rash?

LO has what looks like a dribble rash, it's on her chin (lower cheeks)  by the neck. From what I read it could also be eczema or a contact allergy. The google images point to a dribble rash and she has been drooling non stop. Anyone else in this situation? What did your pedi recommend? She has her 5 month check up tomorrow but I'm just curious. TIA!

Re: Dribble Rash?

  • I just treat it the same way I do the milk irritation in her neck. Clean, dry. A little polysporin. You can use some corn starch or a tiny bit of baby powder aaannnd bibs!
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  • We have SO many bibs, change them as often as she allows too!! I will try all that you suggested, I've never had any sort of allergy or skin irritation so all of this is so new!
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