PPD/PPA Mom...it has been super hard, but I'm making it! Slow steps...
Mom to Carter (6), and Calianne (1).
Proud VBAC, natural birth, breastfeeding, cloth diapering momma!
Hi ladies! I use disposable diapers, but wanted to try cloth diapering a little bit. I don't think I would use them full time, but I wanted to have them for when DS has a rash b/c I know the cloth is much better for them b/c their isn't any chemicals. Who knows though, I could really like cloth diapering and switch over.
I am thinking about ordering a couple off the website people are posting links to, the Katy one or something like that. One question I have is do I need a special detergent to clean them or will any baby detergent work? What else will I need?
Re: Questions from a disposable diaper momma??
Click on the FAQs at the top of the page for washing instructions and detergent discussion/reviews.
As for your thought to just CD when your LO has a rash, CDs are a pretty big investment to only use occasionally (not that I'm trying to discourage you at all). Also, you will only be able to use certain products for the rash (this info is also in the FAQs). GL with your decision!
That's great! Hopefully this board will be a good resource for you. There are a lot of nice mamas on here.
If you use them part-time you will have to research a CD safe deteregent. I use country save, but a lot of mamas on this board use rockin green or tide ultra. Also it's hard to get just a few diapers clean in the washer. An avaerage load is between 12-18 diapers, so that there is enough agitation in the washer to get them clean.
A general rule is no fabric softener on them and no dryer sheets if you use the dryer to dry them. You can use ecover fabric softener on natural fabric diapers - like prefolds and fitteds - but it cannot be used with anything that has PUL, which is the water resistant material on some diapers and covers. A lot of mamas here use wool dryer balls in the dryer to increase softness and reduce dry time.
I would also suggest a diaper pail or hanging wetbag to put the diapers in when they are dirty and waiting to be washed. We use a pail and planet wise diaper pail liner. You can wash the liner right with with diapers. Also if you are using the diapers out and about I suggest a wet bag you can take with you in the diaper bag.
Hope it's not too overwhelming. Once you get the basics down it's easy peasy. Let us know if you have any more questions!