Note: if you think you are going to flame me for having blankets in my son's crib...go ahead and step back out of the post! Thanks! I have blankets in Mitch's crib....1 clutch (12inch x 12 inch) that has been in his crib since he was 3 months old....1 regular blanket. He likes them...they are a security object and occasionally if he isn't feeling well, we take the small clutch blankie and rock him.
But lately, his new game when he decides he doesn't want to go to bed is to throw them out. I'd find him in the morning (because I didn't realize he was doing this) without any blankets in his crib (it made me sad).
Soo...I tried to put them back in his crib by peeking in and seeing them on the floor, but that made him more angry, or got a response he wanted (me coming back in) and did not help the problem.
And now for the past week or longer, I've not gone back in and he's slept without blankets. He's a light sleeper, so there is no going back in after he is asleep to cover him.
So....what would you do?? Do I keep letting him sleep without his blankies?? THat is so sad! Plus, its getting colder and even though I put him in blanket sleepers on cooler nights, I still feel bad!
Re: WWYD: Mitch and bedtime blankets.
Duct tape the blankie to his sleeper.
Ok, my solution, just go with the blanket sleepers. He probably doesn't think it's sad, or he would keep them w/ him!
photos by jennied photography
Alissa Jean
DS did this for awhile, but over time, we just continued to tell him if he throws out his loot, then he'll not have it in there. And eventually, he stopped.
I'll re-put it in his crib ONCE, but I remind him that it was the last time, and that he's on his own from there. This started to be an issue around 1 y/, when he's mad, he'll throw all of his least favorite "friends" out, and usually hold onto Night Night Doggie; so he gets it.