Someone tell me I'm not crazy to use cloth at Disneyland next week. I can do laundry right before we leave on Monday, we have enough nighttime diapers for both kids for 4 nights and PLENTY of diapers for DS during the day, and we would be back around the same time we had left on Friday, so exactly 4 days.
So please tell me it isn't nuts. We're driving and could possibly do laundry there but I don't see the point if we don't need to.
DS has never worn disposables so I just really don't want to, you know? No reason, and I can't even get any of the EF brands here so I would hate to do it...
Re: Travel WWYD?
Rated "L" For Life Blog
Not crazy. I did it for four days on a trip to Vancouver with no laundry. I did laundry while in Key West for a week. The coin op was ridiculous, but in the end I was really glad I brought my cloth.
I have always taken cloth on vacations with me. I never thought of anything else.
Although when C was real little and we did, I ran out of CD's on the way home, as he pooped a few more times than usual. It sucked. I ended up using a blanket as a diaper in his carseat until we got home. :P Luckily we were only a few hours away
This is my plan. We will be returning to the hotel in the afternoon for a nap/rest (for both Quinn and my dad). I figure I'll be able switch out dirties for more clean diapers so I'm not lugging everything at the park.
We have always traveled with cloth too but rarely to stay in hotels without laundry facilities, which is why I was a little nervous. But we have our normal 3-day stash plus extra fitteds and 18 prefolds so we won't run out. 4 days is just pretty long to go without washing but SHOULD be okay....
Thanks for just helping me feel a little less crazy I hate the idea of spending $ on disposables so I really didn't want to bother.