
How long are they in premie clothes??

I am trying to get clothes gathered for the boys when they get here.  My older 2 were 8lbs each so I have no experience with premie clothes.  I know every baby is different but does anyone have an idea how long twins are in premie size clothing vs newborns?


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Re: How long are they in premie clothes??

  • cadencaden member
    Mine were born at 35w and were in preemies for 2 weeks. They were 5lbs & 4#11oz
  • Not all twins will need preemie clothes.  My girl was pretty small about 5 lbs and 1 oz. when we left the hospital, and my boy was right around 6 lbs. when we left.  The were both swimming newborn clothes, but they were actually too long for preemie stuff.  They were born 19 and 19.5 in.  We just let them swim for a while in the clothes, and by about 2 weeks, they were fine in newborn stuff.

    Here were two idea I had for preemie stuff.  1)  Wait till they are born. If you need preemie clothes have someone go to the store and buy a few preemie sleepers while you are still in the hospital.  2.)  Buy some preemie items before they are born, but keep the reciepts.  If you end up not needing them you can return them. 

     We actually had a few preemie sleepers that were hand-me-downs from a friend, but ended up not needing them. 

     Hope this helps.

    sara Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • My girls were born at 34 weeks and weighed 4# 14oz and 5# 6oz, and were in preemie clothes for close to a month, although they were also able to wear some of the smaller NB stuff for the last half of the month.  We had 2 preemie sleepers each, and a preemie set from Carters that had I think 5 onesies and 2 pairs of pants.  We also had a couple of NB gowns that we used too.  This was plenty for us, since we had spitty babies and did wash often. 

    It is entirely possible that you won't need them at all.  I only picked up the sleepers to have on hand in case I needed them, and them my mom picked up the other items for us while they were in the NICU.

    Oh, and if they are in the NICU and you want to dress them - don't get zipper sleepers because they won't work with the cords for the monitors - snaps only!

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  • mine were born at 38w and were 6lb6oz and 7lb 15.6oz... i had a few preemie outfits since i had no idea when they'd be born... they wore them home from the hospital at 5days old, and wore the others that first week at home - they fit them PERFECTLY - ie) not big at all like newborn clothing would have been. But after the first week (and one wash) they were too small.
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  • DS1 was born at 37w5d, weighed 7lb 1oz and was 20".  He was in preemie for 2w and in NB for 2w.

    The twins were born at 38w, weighed 6lb and 5lb 5oz, 18" and 19.5" and were in preemie for 4w then NB for 2w.

  • Mine were born at 37w 1d at 6#5oz and 4#15.5oz. I had maybe one preemie sleeper that was a hand me down that I put on DD occasionally, but, for the most part, I just let them swim in their newborn stuff.  

    I know Wal-Mart has a decent selection of preemie sized stuff in their Faded Glory line.  

  • Mine never wore preemies.
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  • My girls were born at 38w6d.  They were 6 lb 6 oz and 7 lb 7 oz.  They were also long (20.5 and 21.5 in), so they never wore preemie clothes.  Even my skinny baby is currently stretching the limits of NB clothes on length, and the bigger baby only wore NB for about 2 weeks.  If you want to buy a few things ahead of time, I might hold off on washing them so you can return them if they aren't needed.
  • Mine were too long for preemie clothes and were 5#6 and 6#.
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  • My girls were born at 38 weeks and weighed 6.10 and 7lbs.  They were in NB for a month (never used preemie).
  • Thanks Ladies!!!!   It's prime garage sale season right now, so I am hunting for bargains!!!!!
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  • Mine never were. They can still fit in the 'up to 7 lbs' size from Gymboree (O more than A) but we only had two premie sleepers for each (one gifted and one we bought) and they never wore them at all. They're both still in Newborn sleepers and I have a feeling we'll be moving to the 0-3 month size pretty soon.
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  • Mine never wore preemie stuff either.  I have two outfits someone gave me still on the hangers.  My suggestion is the same as a few above - wait until they are born. If you need preemie clothes, they'll likely be in the NICU for a bit which is long enough for someone to run out and get them.
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  • Mine were both 6.5 at birth, they never wore premie clothes, they did wear nb for a while though
  • My boys were born at 34 weeks exactly and weighed 4 lbs 4 oz and 4 lbs 10 oz.  They were in preemie clothes for a month and a half.  I didnt have near enough and had to buy more.  Ditto on the snaps for the NICU!  Although the zippers are nice when your home! :)


    Spontaneous Di/Di twin boys born at 34 weeks on 02/21/2011
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  • The girls were 5.15 and 5.5 at birth but they never wore preemie clothes.  We got some preemie clothes for shower gifts and we're holding them back for when the girls are old enough to play with baby dolls.  Preemie clothes are the perfect size for baby dolls. 

    Of course, that helps you not at all considering you're having boys.  Stick out tongue



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  • I knew my girls would be born around 32 weeks so I bought a lot of preemie sleepers from eBay.  They were in the NICU for 5 and 6 weeks, so I had time then to buy more preemie sleepers as well.  My smaller girl wore preemie size for a solid two months at least so it was nice to have a stash of things.

    I frequently loan out my stash of preemie stuff so definitely ask around! 

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