We tried the 3 day stay at home underwear method this weekend and it actually worked!! I was determined to get Rena trained right after her 3rd birthday so she can move up to the 3 year class at school this summer. She started to use the potty at school but would never go at home. She always just seemd too busy playing and didn't mind having a soaking wet pull-up. So we tried the underwear method- day 1 she had 3 accidents, day 2 just one, and day 3 no accidents! We did leave for an hour or so each day and I put a pull-up on her but she stayed dry when we were out. DH took her to the park yesterday and she asked to go home since she had to pee!
Just wanted to share that this method worked for us since I know it's been mentioned on here. And I'm so glad my kid won't be going to kindergarten in pull-ups!!
Re: Potty training success!
We've also had some stubborness issues! Rena will dance around and hold her panties and tell us she has to go. Then when we sit her on the potty she'll say she doesn't have to go anymore. So we let her get off, keep putting her on, etc. I think she's trying to hold it in as a control thing. But she gets really excited when she does go in the potty and doesn't want to wear a pull-up now. And she's 3 years old so I know she "gets' it!
I'm sorry, that sounds frustrating! DH was just saying last night how he thought PT was the hardest parenting thing we've done so far. I kind of agree but I think going back to work/her starting school was the hardest thing for me. But PT is definitely not easy with stubborn kiddos!
Congrats Rena! And Mommy too!