Welp! I had an appt with my RE for some next step planning- I initiated the meeting due my freaking out about my .23 amh level.
My Dr. ROCKS! I know it's sort of his job to make me feel better and increase my confidence in regardsto my situation and decisions. It's clear to me that he doesn't just want my money.
He said (just as you ladies said) don't put to much thought into the amh nubmer. He had just gotten a call earlier in the week about a lady with a lower amh than mine that is pregnant on her own.
He said we will monitor my cycle in may- checking follicles and levels and make a decision on a possible trigger shot for either timed intercourse or iui (would like to wait until July cycle to do IUI)
I'm just going to acupuncture this cycle and taking a little break- my hubby will be out of town until mid May!
Re: Next steps for me!
glad you like your doc ... it's so important to feel comfortable.
why would you want to wait until july for an IUI??? it's a very low tech ways of significantly increasing your odds. unless you OOP ... then i totally understand.
I would totally do it in May. My husband is absolutley certain we will be preggers by June. If not THEN he wants to go the IUI route. My DH has this idea of a romantic night of passionate love making and bang baby is made.
We will see though when we start the process in May my Dr. may Stongly suggest IUI. In which case we'll do it.