Two Under 2

Diaper Bag ?

So I'm looking for a diaper bag that has enough space for DD's and DS's stuff. I'd like one that's not too big and has lots of pockets. I'm really hoping to not break the bank on it if possible. What do you ladies have?

Re: Diaper Bag ?

  • I really wanted a JuJuBe BFF but quickly decided that I couldn't carry a car seat, hold a 20 month olds hand and have a big bag.. I've been using the small gerber good start (free from the hospital) bag. It hold two cloth diapers for each, a small wet bag, sippy cup, snacks for DD and a few bibs. I thought I would "need" more but in the end, I don't really need much. The smaller the bag the better IMO!
  • I never ended up getting a larger bag.

    I made my first one work. 

    Putting a change of clothes and extra diapers in the trunk for the older one made a regular sized bag work for 2 kids. 

    Our IF journey: 1 m/c, 1 IVF with only 3 eggs retrieved yielding Dylan and a lost twin, 1 shocker unmedicated BFP resulting in Jace, 3 more unmedicated pregnancies ending in more losses.
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  • Any bags I found that I thought might be big enough were WAY out of my price range. I have a diaper bag I made for DS but it never got a lot of use. I think I'll make another for LO #2 then add snap straps so they can snap together as one big bag, then can unsnap if I am dropping one kid and keeping one. That everything is organized per kid and if I need to take one kid with me and leave another I don't have to worry about finding an extra bag to throw stuff in because I'd already have one.

    If you can sew I'd suggest that. Otherwise if I see anything I'll let you know, but I haven't found anything yet.

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  • One mom suggested the other day (don't remember which board I read it on) to have the older LO carry a preschool backpack with change of clothes/extra diaper/sippy/etc when they are able to walk well.

     It will probably be a few months before we'll be able to do this, but I thought it was a great idea! 

  • I have the go gaga bag.  Its a nice size .  Its about 110$
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  • We have a large sling style bag from Pottery Barn Kids. I believe our particular style is discontinued, but I seriously love this bag. It's huge and has tons of compartments. Since it's a sling style, I always have my hands free.
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