Hi ladies! My little guy turned 3 last Friday. (I haven't gotten around to changing my ticker yet. lol) I feel like I'm kinda stradling the 24+ and Pre-school boards. I'm looking forward to this year. DS is so much fun right now.
So here's the set up for my question: We have been living with my parents for nearly 5 years. During this time DH and I have been taking turns finishing school. Now I'm only a few months away and things have been falling into place for this awesome apartment we've had our eye on. I'm really really excited to be in our own place again, but I'm worried about DS. He has never lived away from Grandma and Grandpa before. (We'll be living about a 20 minute drive from them in our new place.) He's never had a new room. In the apartment at my parents' we have a 1 bedroom that we've all shared. DS does not do very well with transitions and I want to do everything I can to help ease him into it.
What has your experience been with moving with a preschooler? What are some things that made it easier?
I'm definitely going to make him his own story (with pictures of our current home and pics of the new place) about moving. Does anyone have recommendations for books that I can read to him? Shows?
Re: New to this board and a question about moving
I just wanted to say that we were in a very similar situation 4 months ago
DH & I moved in with my mom went he decided to go to Law school (this was 4 years ago....). SO.....we got PG with DS1 while we were living in her house and obviously had him while we were living with her.
I was so concerned about the move because he loves his Bubby and they had a lot of special routines. I was more stressed about the move for him than anyone else, but......it totally worked out
We had been prepping him for a long time, so I think that helped. Also, we closed in late October, but didn't move in until December, so we would bring him over to the new house often and get him excited about his new room, his "new" playroom, etc.
He did ask when my mom was moving in a couple times (Lol!), but he was totally fine.
My mom has stayed the night a couple times and she is over here at least 2-3 times a week (she only lives 15 minutes from us.....). He actually calls the guest room, "Bubby's room!" Ha!
Anyways, I think we as parents get more anxious about this stuff than the kids. I bet he will surprise you and do great
I haven't done this so take my advice with a grain of salt.
If your DS enjoys reading at all hit your local library and chat with a librarian about books.
Any time we're facing a new experience that might be stressful (first visit to the dentist, getting a new baby brother, starting school, etc) we load up on books about the subject and I'm sure they'll have them about moving too.
In fact I think I saw one called "I Miss Grandma" just last week that was about ending a visit and being sad Grandma was going back home and wouldn't be around to play.
For us reading and talking about something in the 2 weeks or so leading up to it seems to help make it feel more expected and normal.
I was cracking up when my oldest was telling the dental hygenist what she was supposed to do to him next. I think it just helps take the scary and unknown part out of the equation, KWIM?
Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.
You just described us like 3 weeks ago! We lived in an apartment upstairs from my grandpa & next door to my parents. DD has ALWAYS had grandma & papa and great grandpa within arm's reach all her life.
We just got a bigger apartment that is a 20 minute drive from there. She's taking the transition really well so far. I think what helped her was we involved her so much. We brought her here as soon as we found out we were getting the place. We let her decide what color to paint her bedroom and how to set it up. We told her all of our plans a ton of times over between signing the lease and moving in. She came with us a bunch of times to clean up and move stuff in. We moved in 2 weeks ago and had her birthday party here last weekend. We let her show off her new room, as well as the rest of the place, when she wanted to.
When we moved in, we got her room as settled and unpacked as much as we could. Her room is nice and organized, so her space is calm and relaxing. We also surprised her with Tinkerbell (her fave) curtains as a moving present for her new room.
We've also managed to keep her schedule and routines the same. In the first few days, she said she wished we could have stayed at the old place, but I think she's finally gotten used to living here.
I think if you make it all about him and keep him involved (as long as he's interested), it will go a lot smoother. Go off of his signals. If he seems nervous about it, suggest doing something for the new place, like drawing a picture to put on the wall at his new house. Make sure you talk about moving in a positive way so he knows it's a good thing that you're moving. Let him know it's ok to feel nervous about moving, but it will be an adventure for him, mommy, and daddy to go on together!
Sorry this was so long, and I hope at least some of it helps or gives you some ideas to try with your little guy! Good luck with the move!