I have a question re: weight. A is now 2.5 months old and she gains weight super slowly. Like not even an ounce a day. She got really sick last week and lost 5 ounces (that she couldn't afford to lose) and she's only gained back 2 ounces since (6 days later). She weighs 5lbs 2oz and she was born at 2lbs 10oz. We are going to see the pedi on Friday and the neo will be there. They are both concerned about her lack of weight gain so we will see what they suggest. I know that some of you had weight problems with your preemies so could you tell me what you did or what was suggested to you? I'm so worried and I never had this issue with the twins so I'm on new ground here. Thank you and I appreciate it so much.
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Re: Weight question
Well, Evan's weight gain issues were all related to reflux/vomiting. Eating became so uncomfortable that eventually he stopped eating all together. Vomiting became so much that just KEEPING enough food in him to grow was a HUGE challenge. The key for us was figuring out how to get him comfortable GI tract wise. For Evan, removing all corn syrup products and high fat dairy from his diet did the trick. We still add a 1/2 packet of carnation instant breakfast to his milk sippies, and he's 3 yrs old now. We also don't keep him from juice/McDonalds as much as I would have if he hadn't had the troubles growing......but that's now that he's 3. When he was a baby, if we tried to fortify my BM with anything, he'd puke more and it was counter productive. Anything to keep him more comfortable, .....a bunch of anti-reflux measures, helped, but it wasn't until we found pregestimil and fixed his diet for him that he really started to thrive.
I'm glad she's at least showing some steady growth....that's good. Hopefully she'll be better at eating as she gets bigger. Maybe her stamina isn't that great yet? Is she having to work hard to get food, either from bottle or nursing? Could try some different nipple speeds, and fortifying whatever it is that she's drinking. Her pedi or a diatician should be able to discuss the fortifying mixture with you. I always tried to look at it from both sides 1) how to get more calories in and 2) how many calories is he burning, and how can I cut that down.