When did you go from one meal to two? Right now we are doing cereal mixed with breastmilk & a fruit or veg in the evening about 30 minutes or so before bedtime. I'm not sure when to add a meal and if I should add it in the morning or in the middle of the day.
I just have to say that I can't stand the baby food stage. It is so much easier when I can just make them real food and they can feed themselves.
Re: Solids ?
Starting around 6 months, we did two servings of solids. Like you, I mixed cereal with BM and usually a fruit puree. I found that serving it between breakfast and lunch (at the time, that would be right before their 1st nap) and then one in the evening before bath/bed/bottle.
I started out with breakfast and added dinner after about a week and a half. I've tried adding a lunch but they don't seem too interested yet.
Right now they split 2tbsp cereal and 2tbsp of fruit in the morning and 2-3tbsp cereal and 2tbsp veggie at dinner. Sometimes they eat it all and other days .. notsomuch.
I'm not a big fan of this baby food stage. It's frigging messy and a little bit frustrating right now too!