DD#2 insisted on taking her new, white Hello Kitty from Build-a-Bear to her doctor's appointment this morning. I guess I knew it was a bad idea, but I let her take it anyway...and then she tripped and fell in the parking lot, taking her Hello Kitty down with her and onto the wet/muddy pavement. White Hello Kitty was suddenly not so white. I checked the tags on it and it didn't say anything about not putting it in the washing machine and they didn't tell me anything about washing it when we bought it so I threw it in on the delicate cycle. Bad idea apparently. Now her voicebox thing doesn't work and although the kitty itself looks pretty unscathed, there are suds everywhere in my washing machine! Ack. I don't understand where all the suds are coming from?!
Mom to DD#1 December '06, DD#2 Feb '09 and DS March '12
Re: build-a-bear mishap over here
They've always told me to take the voice box out myself and then bring it back to them to fill and sew up after I wash it. All for free.
I'm sure them will be glad to help!
I was thinking the same thing. I can see the 'do not put in bathtub' sign on the hairdryer.
Aren't you a sweetie?
Common sense would dictate that if you understand the continuation of time, and that if she's posting AFTER she's already washed it, the information that she shouldn't have washed it isn't very helpful. Unless you live in a Michael J. Fox movie, Andrews.