The general bit: I think I need to shake things up a little with my skin care routine - with the exception of Boots No 7 serum (which I loooove), I'm using the same products that I did when I was 20, and now that I'm 30 I don't think they're cutting it any more. I have combination/oily skin, no major pore or acne problems or anything like that, and I use sunblock every day - I think I just need more preventative type products to help with slowly forming wrinkles, etc.
What's your skin care routine like? Any particular products that you love?
The specific bit: I got a bit of melasma while pregnant with the boys - just some pinky fingernail sized splotches on each side of my nose and probably not enough to be considered a true "mask of pregnancy" but it bugs me anyway. I've been researching to try to find a reputable product that will help lighten the spots and even out my skintone again -
this is the best I can find, and it has glowing reviews but of course it would be nice if someone I knew had already tested it.
Has anyone used it or anything else?
Re: skin care? (in general + something specific)
I, too, have combination/oily skin, and I, too, am using the same stuff since I was 20. I probably should rethink things now that I'm 34, huh?
I use Clinique's 3-step system, level 3. Have forever. It works great for me, but I do wonder about wrinkle prevention. I guess I'm just hoping to get my mom's skin (unlikely, since I definitely take after my dad in that area), which is naturally (she only uses plain soap) almost wrinkle-free and she's about to turn 60.
I've never done anything fancy, and I hope I don't pay for it later.
I have somewhat oily skin, but thankfully no skin issues since outgrowing the normal teenaged breakouts. I use Cetaphil face wash and Clinique's Dramatically Different moisturizer before bed. And I use Neutrogena Visibly Even moisturizer with SPF 30 every day. Living in HI, I'm religious about sunscreen (for the neck and face, anyway), and I love that this one can be worn under my make up with no problem.
My regime changed drastically when I got pg and stayed that way since I'm still BFing, mainly because there was salicylic acid in every other skin product that I had. So I threw almost everything away and due to laziness and desire to use less potential chemicals on my body, my skincare has dwindled to almost nothing. I have combination skin and I'm starting to develop some clogged pores, which is starting to bother me, so I'm also looking to change things up sometime after I stop nursing.
Right now, I wash my face with Kiehl's Acai Damage-Minimizing Cleanser, but only at night. In the morning, I wash my face with just water. I don't use any lotion/toner/anything else/not even sunscreen. I guess that's pretty bad? I'm getting some wrinkles now too =/
But, to answer your question about spots, I actually had a really bad nervous habit when I was a teen where I just picked at my face (even if there were no zits or anything) and developed some scars/spots because of it. So back when I used to have a real skincare regime, I tried a lot of whitening/spot-correcting products. My favorite is a serum from Chanel but they discontinued it. My 2nd favorite is another serum by Bobbi Brown (I love serums), but they also discontinued it. Reason why these types of products get discontinued is because they cause your skin to burn more easily so you have to really be anal about using your sunscreen with these products. For me, I just use them at night because I'm lazy (although I shouldn't be!) about sunscreen. But Chanel came out with a Whitening line of products and Bobbi Brown came out with a Brightening line but I haven't personally tried it yet since they came out with it when I was pg.
Has anyone heard of or tried emu oil? My friend gave me some to help with my joint pain. I read some reviews online which claim that it also helps with acne, scarring, stretch marks, and even hair growth. Some have claimed that it lightened scars and undereye circles. It supposedly has Omega 3-6-9 which penetrates the skin.
I have no idea if these claims are true, but thought I'd throw it out there to see if anyone has tried it and had results or if it is just a big scam. I tried it for the first time tonight, so I'll see if I notice any improvement.
Jaime & Brent
Oahu, Hawaii | Sept. 9, 2005
My Food Blog - Good Eats 'n Sweet Treats
this, more or less...i now wash my face only once every 2-3/days (only as often as I get to shower), and otherwise just splash some water on my face in the morning. no moisturizer, sunscreen, etc, anything. nothing before bed either
...hopefully i'll get my act together and at least start showering regularly now that i'm going back to work...
hi ladies-
I check in here from time to time as the hawaii board is sooo very quiet-lisa-hope you are well and that you are enjoying the twins-
check out this line of products-
they are really amazing and produce great results. plus very simple to use- i usually use the fancy schmancy expensive stuff from my facialist but have gotten really great results with these plus the fill and freeze may be the best thing out there....good luck-keep us posted
btw-i could write a tome on skin care if necessary!
I hear ya... I barely shower the days I go to work, and washing hair is only every 3 days or so. I should probably use moisturizer during the day - before the wedding, I used to at night (some Mary Kay stuff), but I've stopped that b/c LO likes to lay his head on my face sometimes at night, and I don't want him to have any of that on him.