I really didn't think I'd get it since I always fail at stalking everything, and my DH will probably not be super happy (oh well, I just won't mention what it ends up costing and see if he even notices.) Now to decide what to get...maybe a calypso skirt with soaker, fabric topped skirtie with fiesta tights and a hoodie. I really need to curb my wool addiction after this...
Re: Eeek, just scored a BRI custom slot!
Bella Rose Inspirations, https://hyenacart.com/bellaroseinspirations/
Super yummy wool skirties/soakers/tights, dresses, clothes, trainers...I've been lusting after these for a while but they always get snatched up super fast on SC and DS. DD has some fleece skirties from Hazelbee and a WAHM I complained about a while back (who won't be named) but no wool skirties yet.