Cloth Diapering

fitteds - am I missing something?

I apologize for this newbie question...but I'm a little confused about fitteds. Aren't they supposed to work basically in the same way as prefolds? Meaning...they're just an easier prefold since you don't have to use snappies, and then you still put a cover over them? I missing something and you don't have to use covers with fitteds? The only reason I ask is because I see so many fitteds out there in tons of super cute patterns and colors, but what's the point if they're just going to be covered up?

I'm hoping I'm wrong, because I love how cute the fitteds are!

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Re: fitteds - am I missing something?

  • You don't have to use covers, a lot of us don't for around the house. But yeah, generally you will be using covers.

    They work the same as prefolds, in that you use a cover; but they are definitely different than prefolds in shape and fit and ease of use.

    (This question gets asked daily, and is probably in the FAQ which you'll find at the top of the board, just so you know for any other questions you may have =) Lurk around and you'll probably find what you're looking for!) 

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  • You're not missing anything really. They're not water proof and they act like a prefold yes, but they're quicker, faster, and cuter. Some people like it some people don't, and ladies still love the patterns with the thought of "We buy cute underwear others can't see, why not do it for baby?". And there are also some people who's little ones can go without a cover for a while at home without soaking through so they get to see the cute prints.
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  • A lot of people let their babies go cover less around the house. But if you want it to be water proof, yes, you need a cover or wool.


    image Lucy, 12/27/2009
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  • Thanks so much for the quick responses :)
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  • They also have elastic in the legs and waist, so they're def a step up from prefolds.

    But yes, they need a cover, and the pps have covered the reasoning behind them.

  • Yes they are breathable like prefolds but more absorbent. They can have many layers of fabric or can even be stuffed with extra doublers. They also have elastic around the legs that provides extra against poo leaks or blowouts. I like prefolds and a snappi, but I also use fitteds because they last longer periods of time without being soaked and are especially nice for naps and overnight.

    The prints are just a bonus to how good they are for your LOs skin and their level of absorbency.

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  • Do you only wear plain white underwear?  Stick out tongue
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