My mom has graciously volunenteered to throw my baby shower. In fact, she's very excited about it, especially since this will be her first grandchild and she LOVES throwing parties and never gets to do it. She is inviting the family, or course, and any of my friends I want..... except for one. Let's call her K. She says the reason for not inviting K is because she at one point referred to my baby (and other babies) as a "crotch dropping." K has also been very mean since I got pregnant, saying that it is too hard for her to be around me since I have the things she can never and will never have (loving husband, baby, house), which was exactly what every hormonal pregnant lady needs... her friends to dump her for being pregnant.... Things have gotten better since then, but Mom still does not care for K. To make matters more complicated, K has started dating my cousin, so, knowing that side of the family, her absence or presence at the baby shower will be discussed. K also LIVES on facebook, and I'm sure someone will post something and she will find out about the shower regardless.
What can I do? Mom and I are close and I don't want to p*ss her off, but I know it will be a big dramatic blowout from K if I don't do something. I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. Help me please!!
Re: Guest List Problem
Either (1) tell her straight that she is not invited because her comments have upset your mother, or (2) completely blow her off until after the shower, then tell her that she was not invited because her comments upset your mom.
I would do it up-front and apologize profusely then ask her to a special one-on-one lunch where you guys could just hang out together. And I'd tell her that even though I am excited about the shower, just hanging out with her is what I really want to do (even if it isn't).
Just MHO, but it doesn't sound like you two will be friends for much longer after the baby is born. Sometimes when life changes, friends do too. Especially ones that are not happy with their own lives. So try not to stress about it too much. Focus on your health and your baby, not her drama.