
final iui on board

I just came back from my iui.  Strange knowing it will be the last treatment for at least another year (taking forced break for financial reasons.) I'm not really invested in this one although I'm still hopeful. I'm trying so hard not to look at it like it's the last shot because then the panic sets in. Who knows what life can bring right?
Married - 8/2009 Diagnosed right away as sub-fertile. PCOS for me and low motility, morphology for DH. On treatment of glucophage and supplements for PCOS. Completely OOP. 4 IUI's - clomid- all BFN's IVF #1- 13 fertilized, no frozens- BFN IVF #2- ER 2/21, 18 retrieved, 12 fertilized. ET 2/24 - 2 beauties. No frozens. BFN. IUI #5 using leftover meds- BFN Trying new meds for PCOS. SAIF & PAIF and prayers welcome! Entering the world of adoption. Choosing happiness and love and focusing on the blessings we do have instead of the things that we don't.

Re: final iui on board

  • Good luck!!!


    Wedding Fall 2007 Off OCP's since 9/08-started with BBT charts Saw Ob/gyn May 2009 Blood work normal except single copy of MTHFR Clomid 50mg May 2009 Clomid 50mg + IUI June 2009 Femara 5mg + IUI July 2009 Normal HSG July 2009 Femara 5mg + ovidrel+IUI August 2009 Femara 5mg +ovidrel + IUI September 2009 November 2009-normal lap December 2009-met with RE December/January-Injectible med cycle with IUI-Abnormal sperm morpology found-only 0-1% normal All Head defects. Jan/Feb 2010 1st IVF with ICSI-5 week chemical pregnancy :( Feb 2010-male infertility doc says DH's anatomy and blood work are normal so nothing he can do. :( FET July 2010-BFP! Twin m/c @ 5.5 wks :( Dec/Jan 2011 IVF #2 Only 4 eggs retrieved-Ganirelix dose messed up BFFN Feb/March 2011 IVF #3 ER 3/9 9 eggs, 7 fertilized, ET 3/14, No frosties. BFN IVF #4 ER 8/22 9R,7F ET 8/25-3 embies, 1 frostie! Beta 9/2= 54, 9/6=274, 9/8=625, 9/12=2953, 9/16 greater than 10,000. B/G TWINS born April 2012 @ 36wks & 1 day! July 2014-going back for the frozen embryo! ET 7/28, heartbeat seen at 6wks1day with SCH. Miscarriage confirmed at 6wks4days

  • Good Luck!!
    June 2010-Lap
    b2b Injectable IUI #1 7/25/10 & 7/26/10 = BFP beta 14dpIUI = 133 MC 9/14 at 9 weeks
    b2b Injectable IUI #2 12/5/10 & 12/6/10 = BFN
    IVF #1 ER 3/28/11 ET 3 embryos 3/31/11= BFN
    b2b Injectable IUI#3 6/28/11 & 6/29/11 = BFN
    PAIF/SAIF Welcome :)

    Submitted Adoption Application on 6/1/2011
    Homestudy 7/19/2011
    IVF#2 CX due to Adoption Match
    We were blessed with our daughter through the gift of adoption
    IVF #2.1 ET 2 embryos 2/14/13 7 frostiesLilypie First Birthday tickers

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  • Good luck!!
    TTC #1 since 7/09
    Dx: LPD, underdeveloped follicles, blocked left tube
    3 C/P, 1 BO, 1 Ectopic
    IVF#1=BFN (3/11)
  • I hope this is your lucky cycle!  Best of luck!
    TTC #1 since October 2008. Dealing with MFI.
    IVF #1 w ICSI in July 2010 = BFN
    IVF #2.1 in Oct 2010 converted to IUI = BFN
    IVF #2.2 w ICSI in Dec 2010 = BFN
    Met with new RE in new city on 1/31/11.
    IVF #3 w ICSI in April 2011. HPT on 5/9 = BFP!
    Beta #1 on 5/10 (10dp5dt) = 99.4. Beta #2 on 5/12 = 284. First u/s on 5/26. = Fraternal TWINS!
    Twin boys born & lost on 8/16/11 at 18w1d due to PPROM & preterm labor.
    IVF #4.1 in Jan 2012 converted to IUI on 1/7/12 = BFN
    IVF #4.2 w ICSI in Feb 2012. Lupron on 2/10. Stims on 2/18. ER on 2/29- 7R,6F
    ET scheduled for 3/5/12- nothing to transfer :(
    Dh seeing new MFI uro & Dh starting meds- June 2012.
    IVF #5 in Dec 2012 = BFFN.
    IVF #6 planned for Spring 2013. Praying for our take home baby/ies.
    **P/SAIF and P/SAL always welcome!**

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • Best of luck!!

    SAIF/PAIF Always Welcome!
    TTC #1 May 2008
    6 Rounds Clomid, 1 Round Femera-BFN
    4 IUIs (1 Clomid, 1 Femara, 2 injectables)-BFN
    February 2010-Laparoscopy
    4 months of Lupron
    August 2010-IUI #5-BFN
    October 2010-IUI #6-BFN
    IVF #1 November 2010-BFN
    IVF #2 March 2011-BFN
  • Happy thoughts headed your way!!  Good luck!!
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • good luck!!
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Loads of luck!
    TTC since 11/09
    Two C/P and Lots of Tests
    Me = LPD + cancer survivor, DH = low count and morphology
    IUIs #1-5, January 2011 - June 2011 = BFN
    IVF #1 in July/August 2011 = BFP!!!!!

    BabyFetus Ticker
    "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear."
  • Praying this cycle is the one!
    TTC since 11/2009
    11/2010 DH SA good...01/2011 HSG is clear...01/2011 Consult with RE
    suprise BFP but m/c on 2/7/11
    03/2011 50 mg clomid=BFN
    04/2011 clomid+bromocriptine+IUI=BFP at 11dpiui
    Beta #1(11dpiui)=33, Beta #2 (13dpiui)=96, Beta #3 (20dpiui)=1910, Beta #4 (26dpiui)=20,134
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Good luck!!
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Our's was also the final one before quitting due to age and finances. To our surprise it worked so u never know....Good luck and warm wishes to ya
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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