I'm getting the hang of BFing two (maybe tandem 50% of the time too, which I'm happy about), and they're getting the hang of eating.
They're pretty happy babies, overall. Marshall's a little gassy, but the mylecon and gripe water seems to help, and I gave up drinking milk (haven't cut all dairy yet).
Owen seems pretty enamored, gives them lots of kisses, etc.
So overall, we're getting into the swing of things.
Now I just need them to SLEEP a little more. Like a 4 hour stretch would be amazing. Poor Grant is so confused in the middle of the night when we wake him up to eat. I don't think he'd sleep too much longer than Marshall, but he's always the one being rousted.
Someday, right?
DH goes back to work on Thursday. I'm nervous!
Re: Ok, ready for some sleep now!