
Ok, ready for some sleep now!

I'm getting the hang of BFing two (maybe tandem 50% of the time too, which I'm happy about), and they're getting the hang of eating.

They're pretty happy babies, overall.  Marshall's a little gassy, but the mylecon and gripe water seems to help, and I gave up drinking milk (haven't cut all dairy yet).

Owen seems pretty enamored, gives them lots of kisses, etc.

So overall, we're getting into the swing of things.

Now I just need them to SLEEP a little more.  Like a 4 hour stretch would be amazing.  Poor Grant is so confused in the middle of the night when we wake him up to eat.  I don't think he'd sleep too much longer than Marshall, but he's always the one being rousted.

Someday, right?

DH goes back to work on Thursday.  I'm nervous!

Re: Ok, ready for some sleep now!

  • someday.... fingers crossed
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  • imageMADforever2009:
    someday.... fingers crossed
    Me too!! And sounds like you're doing great, Mama!
    B/G twins!
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  • Right about 3 weeks is when we stopped doing "one up all up" at night. It took Reese about a week to regulate and fall into her own pattern and when she did she could sleep 4 hours, whereas Ryan could only go 2.5. Im actually up less letting them do their own thing than I was forcing them up together!
  • I hope your babies wind up being better sleepers than my girls. We frequently still have nights where I don't get a 4 hour stretch. I just keep telling myself that one day I will get to sleep again. Great job on getting the hang of tandem nursing... I found that made breast feeding so much easier.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I am feeling the same way.  D is sleeping only 2-3 hour stretches but T can go 4-5 hours so I have just recently stopped waking them together.  As of 2 weekends ago, DH started taking the 12-1 a.m. feeding so that I can get 5-6 hour strecht of sleep.  We only do this on the weekends though because I am worried about my supply tanking.  Although last weekend I ended up waking anyway for one reason or another.
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  • I just wanted to say that Marshall is a great name!  So great, that I gave it to one of my boys! 
    jailbirds Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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