We've finally narrowed down our choices to two. We've thought about a ton of names and put a lot of thought into it.
We want to use Laura as the middle name. I know it's not the easiest name to work with as a MN, but we're naming her after MIL and we'd rather it be a MN than FN.
Here's our dilemma. We LOVE Lydia Laura (and almost used Lydia as a FN with our first DD). What kept us from using it was that DH's first cousin also named his daughter Lydia. DH has a huge extended family and I have never met this first cousin and probably never will. That side of the family never visit or see each other. If it were me, I wouldn't mind if someone used the same first name, but where we're stumped is that the girls would not only have the same first name but same last name as well. That's our main dilemma and the main reason why we didn't choose that name for DD1.
Our other choice is Julia Laura. I know that doesn't roll off the tongue like choosing Elizabeth or something of the like. But we love Julia and we don't think it sounds horrible with Laura. She will go by Julia which sounds wonderful with our last name (which is a tricky last name to find a first name to go with).
WWYD? Is there one name that you like way more than the other or would they both work for you? If you hate both, what first name would you choose to go with Laura? (Our last name is one syllable and starts with a . Thanks!
Re: Our Baby Name Dilemma
Go with Julia. I like it a lot better than Lydia, AND I wouldn't name my kid the same name as a cousin's kid, especially given that they'd have the same last name as well.
Julia Laura sounds fine to me.
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
Diagnosed PCOS 2/07, TTC #1 since 8/09
11/10 - Clomid Round 1 = BFN
12/10 - Clomid Round 2 = BFN
1/11 - Voluntary Break = BFN (duh)
2/11 - Clomid Round 3 = BFN
3/11 - Femara + IUI = BFP * Beta#1=56 * Beta#2=266
*Cautiously expecting baby girls on November 28, 2011*
I have definitely thought about that. I don't think it would have the same meaning since it's not her exact name. It's crossed my mind, but don't think it's a possibility.
I'd go with Julia. I really like it, and I think it sounds good enough with Laura. It's not perfect, but it's not like you'll be saying it together all the time. I think it's more important that it sounds good with your last name.
I wouldn't use Lydia even though you never see that cousin. It's just too close for me.
I like Julia better than Lydia.
However, this is your kid.
You've NEVER MET this cousin. Why on earth does it matter if your kids have the same name? I can do a search on-line and find MANY people w/ the same first and last name as me. So what if it's a cousin I've never met?
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
I adore Lydia, and I think it's heads and shoulders above Julia. But given your dilemma with the name, it seems like it would just be easier to use Julia, especially since you like it just as well and it goes with your last name.
ETA: typo
I am sorry, but I really don't like the flow of either one, but I think ALL of the names are beautiful on their own!
Some alternatives: Julia Lorelai, Lydia Lorraine, Amelie Laura, Juliette Laura, Lydia Lorelai.....
** After 2 1/2 years of Unexplained IF, 2 failed medicated cycles, and 4 failed IUI's - our baby girl came to us through the miracle of Mini IVF! **
I like both but would choose Julia over Lydia due tot he family situation.
I think Lauren, Laurette, Laurel would sound much better than Laura and still have the same sentiment.
Three Girls: Bits 2/08 Biscuit 10/09 & Sweet Chuck 2/12
One Favorite son: Suishy Smalls 6/14
And another Princess coming 7/16
This is exactly how I felt until we started discussing Julia and realized that we actually BOTH agree on that name. DH had no clue that was his cousin's name at all. I've known DH for 15 years and never met that cousin and rarely see that side of the family. That's what is so frustrating.
FWIW, we've discussed Juliet and DH likes it. I'm not 100% sure how I feel about it yet. I guess it'd sound better with Laura, but I think I like Julia better. I'm just confused now. LOL.
Thanks to everyone for the advice. I feel like I need all I can get right now. I hate being in limbo on a name.