not so bad.
Joe is doing no carbs (per doctors orders) so it's actually easy for me to follow as well. He made me a western omelet this morning with egg whites. For snack, I had a cheese stick and a banana. For lunch, I had a sandwich sized bag of microwave popcorn (that might have carbs, I'm sure!) and 2 hard boiled eggs.
For dinner, cajun fish and green beans w/garlic. Side salad with carrots, onions, peppers, tomatoes w/lt dressing.
Had a pretty large portion of fish however it was baked on a cookie sheet w/water and just has cajun seasoning on it so not bad at all.
I'm craving something chocolatey -- or sweet -- but I'm resisting the urge for now.
Total weight loss from Mon of last week to Mon of this week - 3.6lbs.
Re: First day carb free...
Good for you lovah!!!
Let's keep each other motivated, maky? I've made the switch to eating clean and I'm loving how it makes me feel. I haven't stepped on the scale yet (b/c it needs new batteries and well, I'm lazy
Mum to Owen and Lucas
Oh goodness lovey -- I can hardly keep myself motivated!
Clean eating = overwhelmed Jodi!
I don't even pretend to know what clean eating means. It would overwhelm the hell out of me to make such a huge change like that. I'm just eating a lot more fruits/veggies/protein. I'm not even saying I'm carbs free -- b/c then I will crave a bagel! LOL I do think my body does WAY better when I consume more protein than carbs (but I guess that's probably true of most bodies, right?).
Good luck girlfriend! And take the batteries out of the boyfriend and put them in the scale! LOL LOL LOL
Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
Good for you! I do clean eating in moderation. I'm a carb lover at heart and I'm not willing to give up my wine.
BUT, I believe in everything in moderation and making the right choices. If you want carbs, have a few so you don't overload later. If you want something sweet, have a few squares of dark chocolate or even chocolate covered almonds. It will keep you full longer. And I try to live by the following:
Eat like a king for breakfast (even if that means carbs), eat like a queen for lunch (also carbs sometimes), and eat like a peasant for dinner. The idea being you'll burn off breakfast and lunch with daily activity or exercise. I also run 20-30 miles a week so thats a reason for me to eat carbs.
Michelle- when you say BAD cards what do you/ did you cut out? As of right now (because I hafta hafta hafta go shopping!) I'm not having any bread or pasta. I did have brown rice today and not much just in my sushi for lunch.
Mum to Owen and Lucas
Oh, and by carbs, I mean the things you normally associate w/carbs -- pasta, bread, rice, etc. I don't mean wine. At all. Nope, not giving up the wine!
I would never limit myself too much (God forbid! LOL!) b/c I would just give up and say eff it.
My guess would be 'white' carbs. Go for whole wheat-- pasta, tortillas, breads, oatmeal.
Have a tablespoon of peanut butter if you need something sweet and satisfying.
Fruit is full of carbs: watch out for those bananas. Raspberries, strawberries, etc. are better if you need that kind of hit.
And screw low fat. If you are going low carb then give yourself the benefit of the tasty fat.
Yea, the doc told Joe no fruit/limited fruit (d/t his sugar levels). But I'm not all about that. After listening to Joe tell me what the doctor said he COULDN'T have, I told him it would have been easier to list what he COULD have.
I'm fine with some carbs. Especially in fruit. I don't care what anyone says - you cannot tell me to not eat fruit. I mean, that's just insanity to me! LOL
But I'm avoiding complex carbohydrates, I guess. The whole pasta, bread, rice stuff. And light dressing -- that's just what we have in the house!
But either way, if I continue eating the way I have for the last's LIGHT YEARS better than how I was eating.
Sorry, should have clarified in that by "bad carbs" I meant pretty much anything processed. So, rice, potatoes, beans, fruits, veggies, etc are all fine, just nothing out of a box really.
DISCLAIMER: I have been sick the last 3 days and have eaten nothing but boxed-bad-for-me-carbs, literally, not a fruit or veggie in sight for 3 days! LOL
Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
I don't really believe in the no carbs thing either when it comes to fruit. In fact, I heard WW just redid their point system so you can have fruit and it is zero points.
I just read a book on eating greens (because I'm super into green smoothies lately) and there were many cases of people with insulin problems who ate all types of fruit (along with greens) and it did not impact their blood sugar levels. I'm not telling anyone to do this, I'm just saying I don't buy into the whole "too much fruit" thing entirely. I do however, believe that too much WHITE starchy carbs are bad.