
Bad mom or is falling just a part of growing up?

Zack loves pulling himself to stand.  Unfortunately he loses his balance and falls on his face.  I catch him most of the time but yesterday he hit his head TWICE before I could get to him (he is falling on his toys).  He cut the corner of his eye and now has a partial black eye, and he has a big bruise on his forehead.  It looks like he lost a boxing match.  I feel like I have to hold him all day long or get him a helmet or put bubblewrap everywhere :)  Any advice?
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Re: Bad mom or is falling just a part of growing up?

  • IMO, it's just part of growing up.  I tried to move the toys to another area of the room, so when they pulled up they didn't whack themselves on toys.  But, of course, the kids will drag the toys back over anyway.
  • Totally normal.  THEY'RE KIDS, they're going to get more bumps, bruises, cuts, and scratches than you'll be able to count.  Heck, William got bloody nose when he was probably around 8 months old b/c he thrashed his head into a Walmart shopping cart.  I felt bad that he was hurt, but I didn't feel guilty at all, I was right there and he did it so fast.  Unless a bone is broken DUE TO YOUR NEGLIGENCE, I think you need to give yourself a break.  Heck, I'm a firm believer that falling off the bed is a right of passage (though I hope my twins never do b/c our bed is really high, much higher than when DS1 was an infant).  Really, it's ok, it'll heal, you have to let yourself off the hook now or you'll be a mess when they start learning to ride a bike.
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  • This is part of growing up. You do the best you can, but you can't have a hand on them every second of the day. My one twin at 15 months was running across the living room floor and tripped on her own feet and flew into the window sill, giving her self the biggest black eye. We had a deployment party to go to that weekend and I felt like a horrible Mom because my kid had a black eye. I normally would have skipped, but we would not see this friend for over 14 months because she was going to Iraq and she wanted to see the girls. I just sucked it up and dealt with my guilty feelings.

    Now my kids have bruises all over them from falling because they are very physical kids. They always have to be climbing on something or jumping off of something or wrestling with each other and they get bumps and bruises almost every day. I cannot believe how much Neo2go, I go through in a week with these two and they are girls!

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  • I vote not a bad Mom. I mean you do the best you can but you won't be able to protect them from ever falling or getting hurt - not now and not ever. I remember DS's first bruise and my DH was so upset. And I told him that this was the first of many to come and that he better get used to it. We childproof out the wazoo but some times it just happens. Maybe try to have him just play with soft toys? But I know our guys would never go for that either. They have wooden blocks they love!
  • Totally normal.  My twins currently have matching knots on their foreheads for similar exploits.  You're going to have to get used to it, otherwise you'll become a helicopter parent (which is no fun for anyone).
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  • I hope it's normal.  One of the twins fell at my MIL's and chipped his tooth so badly that they had to pull it.  In an effort to keep the twin thing, the other one fell running into the windowsill a few months later and has a big chip in his same tooth.  I really was blaming my MIL for a while, but I it happened on my watch too.  I think it is just what happens when your head is really too heavy for your body.
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  • if youre a bad mom so am i :) J keeps hitting his head in the same spot. i swear he wants a scar so people can stop messing them up! 
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