It seems like this whole pregnancy i've complained about swelling of some sort but other than that everythings been fairly normal. I went to my 3d ultrasound appt Thursday and showed my midwife my swelling she went into a frenzy and called my previous doctor stating he had paid no actual attention to my signs because I had severe PIH. She then sent me to the hospital to run labs and then they transported me to Toledo hospital and told me they were gonna deliver LO in the morning unless my bp went down. BF drove up 6 hours to the hospital and by 11:13 am they had done an emergency c-section. Teagen Ceceil P 3 lbs 11 oz. Breathing all o her own and doing good but now she's got a little bleeding in her belly so were meeting with surgeons and her nicu team in the morning. Does anyone else have Any experiences with this? She's the first preemie to be born in either side of the families so I'm just looking for some encoragement right about now please
Re: Born at 33 weeks, new preemie mommy
DS - 40W6D - Oct 2004
DS - 41W4D - March 2007
GGG - 33W6D - July 2008