Boston Babies

Crown Colony Pediatrics?

Does anyone use CCP in Quincy for their child/children? I am looking into a pedi. now. Any recommendations would be helpful.
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Re: Crown Colony Pediatrics?

  • I love them.  We primarily see Dr. Angus, but I've had nothing but good experiences overall.  And the open 7 days a week thing REALLY helps!
    Accidental Smiles
    updated 10.03.12
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  • Is Dr. Angus male or female? I believe someone told me about that name too. 7 days a week, really? That is wonderful. Do you also know what hospitals they are affiliated with?
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  • I bring my DD to South Suburban Peds. in Quincy. It's a small practice - one doc and two nurse practioners. There is sick appts on the weekend and always someone on call. I like it we've gotten to know the dr, nurses and the np's. They remember my DD when we go in. I found it helpful when my DD was sick for weeks in a row.. they remembered her symptoms and could see she was getting better. Just my opinion. but i've also heard nice things about CCP. My friend goes to the Harvard Vanguard in Quincy center.

  • imageladylisalt:
    Is Dr. Angus male or female? I believe someone told me about that name too. 7 days a week, really? That is wonderful. Do you also know what hospitals they are affiliated with?

    All of the doctors just happen to be female.

    They are affiliated with South Shore hospital, as well as Children's in Boston, I believe.

    They're website is and they have informational meetings for new parents on Sundays to tour the facilities and speak to the staff.

    Accidental Smiles
    updated 10.03.12
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    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • Dr Angus is DD's PCP and we love her!!
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersImage and video hosting by TinyPic
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