Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Probiotics (and some baby poop talk)

Anyone use them with LO?  If so - why and what was the outcome? 

DD has never had the non-smelling baby poop (she is EBF).  Rather, it's almost always been diarrhea - with the occasional normal dirty diaper.  I am off of dairy completely (which is what the pedi initially thought was the problem), and she still seems to get diarrhea fairly often - although not as often now.  Pedi recommended probiotics mixed in with some BM to try to "re-set" her tummy now that I have been off of dairy for a few weeks. 

I'm not a fan of putting anything in her body if I'm not sure it will help her - so I just wanted to get some input from other mommas.  Did they work for you?  Would you try it? 


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Re: Probiotics (and some baby poop talk)

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    After reading about them on the board and not being 100% convinced that the only digestive issue my daughter has is acid reflux, I decided to give them a try. She is a much happier baby when eating and is sleeping better.  I am very happy with the results of the probiotics.  Give them a try, as there's no harm.  But make sure you are buying a dairy free probiotic. Not all of them are...
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    After reading about them on the board and not being 100% convinced that the only digestive issue my daughter has is acid reflux, I decided to give them a try. She is a much happier baby when eating and is sleeping better.  I am very happy with the results of the probiotics.  Give them a try, as there's no harm.  But make sure you are buying a dairy free probiotic. Not all of them are...

    Thank you for this - I would have never thought to look at that! 

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    My LO has been on probiotics since birth and I think they are great.  I use one from Klaire labs (its completely allergen free).  Its powdered and refrigerated.  I just mix it in with one of her bottles.  I've also heard good things about culturelle for kids.  
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    I bought the culturelle.  They're dairy free and sold at Target.
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    We've been using them for our DD since she was about 3 months old. 

    She always had a really hard time burping & pooping.  We tried gripe water, ovol drops, pumping her legs, tummy time, tons of suggestions from our doctor, the drug store pharmasist & different friends & family.  Someone finally suggested probiotics to us. 

    We bought ours at the health food store.  It's sort of the consistancy of runny yogurt & smells horrible.  She makes the "this tastes awful" face whenever we give it to her. ... but ... they really seem to help.  She started burping way easier & pooping doesn't seem as hard anymore either.  Our DD was born c-section. I was told that section babies miss out on collecting in their mouths the good bacteria from the birth canel.  Probiotics give her that good bacteria.

    Her poop is always runny &/or grainy looking.  (Is that what you mean by diarrea?)  Breast fed babies can have smelly poop ~ it is poop afterall!  Our DD sometimes has the smelly kind, sometimes the non-smelly kind. She's EBF too. 

    The woman at the health food store suggested that we give her the smallest amount in the morning & at night.  We found that it was working a little to well & it seemed like she was pooping SO much.  We only give it to her in the evening now.  If we forget & she misses a day or two we definately notice.  We try not to forget.

    Hope that helps.

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    I bought the culturelle.  They're dairy free and sold at Target.

    That's the brand my pedi recommended.  Do you keep it refrigerated?  Also - did you notice a change in her diaper output or just a general attitude change?  Just trying to figure out what I should see a difference in... 

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    imageMRS TP:

    We've been using them for our DD since she was about 3 months old. 

    She always had a really hard time burping & pooping.  We tried gripe water, ovol drops, pumping her legs, tummy time, tons of suggestions from our doctor, the drug store pharmasist & different friends & family.  Someone finally suggested probiotics to us. 

    We bought ours at the health food store.  It's sort of the consistancy of runny yogurt & smells horrible.  She makes the "this tastes awful" face whenever we give it to her. ... but ... they really seem to help.  She started burping way easier & pooping doesn't seem as hard anymore either.  Our DD was born c-section. I was told that section babies miss out on collecting in their mouths the good bacteria from the birth canel.  Probiotics give her that good bacteria.

    Her poop is always runny &/or grainy looking.  (Is that what you mean by diarrea?)  Breast fed babies can have smelly poop ~ it is poop afterall!  Our DD sometimes has the smelly kind, sometimes the non-smelly kind. She's EBF too. 

    The woman at the health food store suggested that we give her the smallest amount in the morning & at night.  We found that it was working a little to well & it seemed like she was pooping SO much.  We only give it to her in the evening now.  If we forget & she misses a day or two we definately notice.  We try not to forget.

    Hope that helps.

    Thanks so much!  That is a huge help - I really appreciate you taking the time to type all that out to me! 

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    My baby girl has had a lot of stomach issues since about 4 weeks old, her ped told us to try "BioGaia" Infant drops, you can buy them over the counter at walmart but have to get the pharmacist to get them out of their refrigerator for you. they are about $25 a bottle that lasts about a month, but they don't have a taste and she seems to not mind taking them everyday (5 drops once a day). she honestly seems like a totally different baby, she is happy pretty much all the time, and before starting them, she would have moments that I couldnt get her to stop crying for 45mins sometimes because her stomach was hurting from gas or being constipated. I really think they have made such a difference.

    Hope this helps!

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    My baby girl has had a lot of stomach issues since about 4 weeks old, her ped told us to try "BioGaia" Infant drops, you can buy them over the counter at walmart but have to get the pharmacist to get them out of their refrigerator for you. they are about $25 a bottle that lasts about a month, but they don't have a taste and she seems to not mind taking them everyday (5 drops once a day). she honestly seems like a totally different baby, she is happy pretty much all the time, and before starting them, she would have moments that I couldnt get her to stop crying for 45mins sometimes because her stomach was hurting from gas or being constipated. I really think they have made such a difference.

    Hope this helps!

    Thanks - it does help!  I'm happy to hear some other success stories - hopefully I'll join those ranks soon.  (Especially at how expensive the stuff is!)  Glad your LO is doing better :) 

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    We're using the Garden of Life Raw probiotics for kids.  Baby was really fussy and gassy and constipated so we tried them before trying any other meds. They seemed to help.  And she LOVES the way they taste. It's in the powdered form and we just dip her binki in the powder.  We call them baby crack because she gets so excited to eat them.  After we started, we noticed less gas, less fussing and more regular pooping. 
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    We're using the Garden of Life Raw probiotics for kids.  Baby was really fussy and gassy and constipated so we tried them before trying any other meds. They seemed to help.  And she LOVES the way they taste. It's in the powdered form and we just dip her binki in the powder.  We call them baby crack because she gets so excited to eat them.  After we started, we noticed less gas, less fussing and more regular pooping. 

    Ha!  This cracked me up - (no pun intended) - especially after seeing your cute siggy pic with LO passed out with her binky! 

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    I had no idea LO could have this. I am going to buy some tomorrow! Thanks OP!
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