I am seeing a midwife for my appointments & hope to have a her attending at my VBAC. She is very supportive of my desire to have a VBAC & is helping me work towards my goal!
I had an appointment with her today & she said I need to meet with an OB so he/she can assess my suitability & give the go ahead (or not) for a VBAC. She is going to make the appointment for me for a month's time.
I'm sure it varies from state to state, & even hospital to hospital but just wondering if anyone else experienced this. And if so what kind of questions you were asked or was it just physical assessment? I did ask my midwife but she was kind of vague, just saying that they want to make sure you are a suitable canditate.
Re: OB Suitability Assessment / Clearance on VBAC?
I'm in Florida, and you may be right, it may vary from state to state. But, my midwife just went over my operative report with me- saw reason for previous CS (FTD), and made sure I have two layers of uterine sutures (it turns out I don't). She still gave me the go ahead for a VBAC.
I hope your assessment goes well!