Rhode Island Babies

Swimming Pool

I'm looking for a use of a swimming pool- my doc says its the best excersise for me right now as its low impact- but the YMCA is crazy expensive- anyone have any ideas on where I can go in the cranston/warwick area? 

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Re: Swimming Pool

  • McDermott pool on Sandy Ln in Warwick looks good. I plan in signing up soon. A swim pass is only $20/month for residents and $30/month for non-residents, and they have swim times available everyday!
    BabyFetus Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • my physical therapist is suggesting swimming for me as well ...my pelvis is higher on one side due to a fall in the beggining of my pregnancy...if youre looking for a swim buddy ...im around! :) lol ...mcdermott pool is nice and warm!
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  • Oooh thanks for the tip!!  Let me know if anyone goes so maybe we can meet up!! :)
    BabyName Ticker
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