PURPLE!!! Baby A is a girl and Baby B is a boy...
All looks good with both babies, which we are so thankful for!! Baby A HR: 147 and Baby B HR: 159. Both weigh 8oz, and Baby A is measuring 2 days ahead, while Baby B is measuring 3 days ahead. Baby B was doing acrobatics throughout the entire scan, so it took a while to get all the measurements from him. (Him -- seems so weird to say that!!) Baby A is very calm -- she must take after my DH!
Only issue -- placenta previa for Baby A. Not great news, but it's early and can move (it was not in the same place 4 weeks ago). Now we'll be meeting with the MFM every other week, and will be having an u/s at those appointments. At least we'll get to see the babies more often!!! (Got to see the bright side, right?)
Re: XP: We're Team...
Christian Alexander - 11/13/06
Amelia Rose & Owen Thomas - 3/29/11