I am currently 14weeks and 5days pregnant! This is my 4th pregnany and I have a 3 year old little girl and an 18month old little man. My first apt was at 7weeks and 5 days. They dicorverd by feeling that my uterus was sideways (nothing to worry about). I was 123 when I took a home test and at this apt was 117lbs. Currently im back at 123 and gaining FAST! At my first u/s I was exactly 9 weeks measuring a few days smaller but they didn't change the date. When doing the ultasound getting measurements you could CLEARLY see 2 babies? The tech herself asked me if I was seeing what she was even! After she got her measurements and went to the "babies" we could only get one and one heartbeat, so her results its there is at LEAST one. It was hard to get the heart beat from the baby but when we did it was 183 At 13weeks I had my check up. Uterus still felt sideways and when she went to get the heart beat she was RIGHT on at 166 as soon as the doppler hit my stomach! Easy! Well then she decided that she was just going make sure she was right on. As she went to the side the heart beat went faint however then we started hearing another strong beat once we found this one it was 168. Now I was thinking that the baby just moved, however there was NO movement sound on the doppler and we were on the baby the entire time. She looked at me and said well thats odd went back to the spot she began in and got 166 again? Im no professional but out of the 3 other pregnancies (losing one at 12weeks) I have never experienced anything like this! I have had this odd feeling I was having twins since the start when the test was showing up negitive?! I just wanted some advise from others to see what you guys were thinking! Twins do not run in my family other then my sister was a twin and at 13weeks my mom lost one, but they didn't know there was 2 until she did! I wish my tech didn't just give me one picture of the baby because there were pictures where you could cleary see a shadow! My horomones have been CRAZY this pregnancy and its been harder for me to gain weight.I just started showing a few weeks ago and am now looking like I did at 18-20weeks with my son and daughter! Just curious! I have a 3d set up on thursday and im so nervous!
Re: Possible Hidden Twin?!
Any tech worth her salt will not miss a baby.
HRs can vary from minute to minute- I wouldn't go by that. The only way to tell if you are having twins is with an u/s.
Good luck.
4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
Maybe it's just me...but I don't really understand your story.
Why was the tech asking if you saw what she saw? I didn't read anything from what you've said that should leave a tech wondering if there were two babies.....
Your weight gain isn't abnormal and this early on is not an indication of multiples.
If it's just because the heart rate has changed from one appointment to the next..that's normal. I'm sure if you remember back to the ultrasounds from your first two pregnancies, the heart rate would vary from one appointment to the next. I don't understand why once the tech found the heart beat she wanted to make sure she was "right on." My OB found the girls on the first try many times and did not feel the need to double check. I don't get it.
Also, although every pregnancy is different - weight gain and bump size are never very reliable indicators either, especially if you've had children previously. My twins were my first pregnancy and I did not gain weight until I was almost 20 weeks. I did not start showing until I was 16/17, but again...everyone is different.
I dont understand it either thats why I was posting! I have been looking it up all day because im trying to convince myself there is only one. I have NO idea why she asked me that I can't determine what she will say. All I know is that it was the fastest ultrasound I have ever had and when she was taking measurments of my ovaries you could see the baby as she passed and there were clearing 2 (maybe just a shadow IDK im no proffesional) same goes she asked me if I had ever had an ultrasound before knowing this was my 4th pregnancy! So why would she ask this also?! all she did was the take 3pictures of the baby and the 3 measurments and then was done the WHOLE u/s took about 10mins if that!
As for the OB she said because my uterus was sideways (in her words was the main sign of mulitples) she wanted to make sure that "we didn't have a peeker" saying that one wasn't hiding during the u/s! As for the HR changing from apt to apt I know this already I was talking about the 166 and 168 on complete different sides from another and still being there and the same when she went back, was just a little advice, with my 3d being thursday im getting anxious and had myself certain it was one then looking up online about hidden multipes in pregancies and most being within the last 6months I wanted some advise from others on here because I was a bit confused.
I don't understand why you would even wonder about a hidden twin. A tech asking if you can see what she sees doesn't mean anything. Unless she got her certification at a clown college she would inform you (or the OB) if she saw two babies. She wouldn't just keep it a secret and wonder if you saw it too. That makes no sense.
The 2 heartbeats thing is pretty common with dopplers. And there is virtually no difference between 166 and 168. If my nurses got 2 numbers that close together, then I would have gotten an u/s per office policy b/c they would not be able to determine if those two numbers represented two different babies.
I also don't understand why a shadow on an u/s is suspicious. An u/s isn't like a flashlight being shined into your uterus. The picture is just a representation of sound wave measurements/echos. Another baby would show up as white, just like the first baby.
And then this:
As for the OB she said because my uterus was sideways (in her words was the main sign of mulitples) she wanted to make sure that "we didn't have a peeker" saying that one wasn't hiding during the u/s!
I've never heard that in my entire life and I have a tilted uterus. it was tilted long before I got pg.
I'm glad you're getting another u/s soon. If your OB truly suspected multiples then that's what you should receive.
Exactly this.
ETA: Who's got pea-kay's list?
I wonder because they TOLD me that there is a high possiblity for another! That there was at LEAST one! This is not my first pregnancy so once again this experience was crap compared to the other 3! Since I have became pregant I have seen 3 different OB's and an u/s tech! So its never the same at any apt! I don't have a say so on who I see really I will be scheduled for one then be put with another.
As for the sideways uterus they told me that from never having a problem with my uterus to it ALL of suden moving sideways due to a pregnancy was a sign of multiples. My OB was concerned about multiples and was the one that wanted me to get the u/s at 9 weeks they normally wait until 11-12 where I go. It was the earliest they could get me in from my 7th week apt. the tech said NO doubt she saw 2 and who knows what she was thinking!!! i sure dont, there is no need to be rude! She asked me what I saw by just starting a coversation. She was taking her measurments and had just skimmed acrossed and looked at me and was like "oh you saw that right????" I agreed and that was it, I knew what she was talking about, never did I say that she kept anything from me or the dr which is why at my 13week they looked for another heartbeat! Just in case a twin was hiding. there were not sure if it was a shadow or another baby becase of the way it was sitting.
I am paying for my next u/s its a 3d...
I was simply asking for what others thought not to be bashed at for something I have no control over?! Im only going by what I was told! Sorry I seemed to find it odd that an OB wants an u/s to see if its muliptles, I have a 10mins u/s (which I have never experienced unless it was to check on something real fast and even then!), clearly see 2 even the tech points it out, to zoom in and only see one but NEVER change and angle? then the heart rate yes was real close however I believe I should have been sent to get an u/s then and there because she was dececting them from complete different sides and 2 seperate ones! Which made NO sense to me!! so we decided instead of waiting till about 20weeks for our 3d we are doing it as early as we can. I just wanted some other opinions to ease my mind not for people to bash me on it!
Surprisingly, no one bashed you, and no one has been rude so I'm not sure what you're talking about.
If you go back and read what you've typed, I think you can see that your narrative is incoherent. It's difficult to follow your story.
Now you're saying that you both "clearly saw two." You never said that before.
It seems odd to me that your OB didn't send you immediately to an u/s when they found two different heart beats. I would change OB offices ASAP. It is not uncommon to be seen by different doctors at every visit in offices that have multiple docs. They want you to meet every provider in case your regular doc is not on call when you go into labor. The OB you are going to seems too relaxed, and that would really bother me.
As for your U/S tech you say they clearly saw two babies at first and them zoomed in on one of them to take measurements and check for heart beat, did they not then go search for the other baby?? That is what I am getting out of your story. If that is the case, your U/S tech is an idiot. A twin should be easy to see and should have been checked. Saying that there is at least one baby and not going back to check about the second is stupid.
If I were you I would make an appointment at a new OB office ASAP and explain to them what you have explained to us. Hopefully they will send you for a new U/S and put your mind at ease.
Good luck and keep us posted.
8. Keep your story straight. Write down your "pregnancy" timeline and research, research, research.
Any OB worth anything would do an u/s if they were so convinced you had multiples in there.
Your story reeks of poo I'm afraid.
If there were clearly 2 babies at your 9 week ultrasound, why wasn't she able to detect a heartbeat. By 6 weeks you can detect a heartbeat on an ultrasound. A doppler isn't even that good. If they baby was 'hidden', then there were clearly not 2 babies. That's what 'hidden' is...a baby that was not visible. I agree with the others, we're not bashing you, but it's really difficult to understand your story. I don't know if it's your english,grammer, or the way you tell the story.
Again....feeling crappy has nothing to do with multiples...in my opinion, many of the multiple moms I know, rarely had any symptoms...at all! It's also cold& flu season.
You really need to know right away if it's twins, because there are so many complications associated with twins, and if I were you I would get scheduled ASAP to see a high-risk OB. It's NOT AT ALL similar to a singleton pregnancy.
This should answer all of your questions:
1. Call your OB.
2. Ask them, "How many babies am I having? One or two?"
3. If they say one, chalk it up to you being confused. If they say two, switch OB offices immediately to one with doctors and techs that didn't get their degrees/certs from a Cracker Jack Box.
The end.
Also, it took me about 3 tries reading your responses to make any sense out of them. Maybe slow down and re-read what you write so that it's more coherent to the rest of us trying to answer your questions.
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
Im sorry if my post was confusing, I guess I should have just copied and pasted the one I put on another site asking others because everyone seemed to understand there but still nothin. As for the bashig part, I wasn't talkin about everyone! Im sorry if you all got that impression.
Oh and telling someone they are FAKING a mulitple pregnancy in this case is just outragegous, HOW DARE YOU! I am in NO way faking what they told me! I was confused and wanted a someone of an explantion on what I was told because I was confused myself!!! I never said I was having 2, putting up pictures, throwing up or any of the crap that talked about! To say you are not bashing is BULL!!!
I was cleary just asking for advise and if what I posted wasn't clear you could have asked me to explain it more clear because it was a tad confusing and im sorry! I did however state in the first post I saw 2 and the tech asked If I saw what she did (which was when we both saw 2, shadow or not and more then once!) NO the tech did not look for another baby just one, she did not look around and I have looked into switching but they wont let me get a referel unless I am carrying more then one. (military IDK exactly why because I can get a PCM change anytime) .
They told me I was a high risk pregnancy, after my MC and then my son trying to come at 22 weeks being 2cm dialated and on complete bedrest he was still born at 35weeks. However I have asked for a specail high risk OB because of this and they told me that they can watch me unless something comes up then they will send me. Does this make any sense, no!
This office drives me nuts and this is all I have been thinking about with my 3d in 2 days I wasn't trying to make anyone mad or FAKE a pregnancy at all!!!! I have not been sick, headaches are stronger but hell that could mean a millioni things! I actually had morning sickness my 1st trimester but for like 2 weeks and that was it!!!
I am in no way attempting to fake mulitple pregnancy I was just clearly asking for advise and I apologise if my statement was confusing, but honestly if you were actually there with me you would be just confused! I believe the 10min u/s was the start of this maddness. it was 7am the lady had her mcdonalds breakfast waiting and was complaing she was hungry so assuming she was hungry just rushed threw my u/s!! I didn't think this was needed in the orignal statement.
I did call the dr because I was having contractions last week, not BH but contractions for about an hour (they went away and I was't able to make my apt the next morning I was at he ER with my daughter and slept threw.) however when I made the apt the lady said with mulitples this can happen! I asked her what she ment and she said there was a mark on my paperwork stating possible multiples! Again why we just said f this place and are getting the 3d! Thank you for those that wished us goodluck. I would have thought it woud be clearly easy to see at 9 weeks I don't doubt any of you at all on that! Which makes me confused!! All the pictures of all the twins they are beautiful! ALL of them! I will be happy with one or 2 I really dont care as long as they are healthy and get the medical attention they deserve!!!
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
Christian Alexander - 11/13/06
Amelia Rose & Owen Thomas - 3/29/11
You were getting contractions at 13 weeks that weren't BH?
BTW..... The link to "How to Fake a Multiples Pregnancy" was not posted when you accused everyone of "bashing" you. The only thing Soldier said was "Does anyone have the link to Pea Kay's list?" That's when you replied that we were bashing you.
Later someone posted a link to it.
So....seems like you are familiar enough with the reference "Pea Kay's list."
Apparently everyone at this dr office that she has come in contact with says that every thing she is experiencing is a sign of multiples.
JUST saw this - baahahahahah!!!
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
I agree with your decision to go to an elective 3d ultrasound. They aren't that expensive, I went for one and it cost $89 dollars. They will definitely 100% be able to see a twin by now. If there isn't one, then you can go back and tell your original doc that the u/s tech maybe needs to go back to school again. I think the reason everyone might have given you a weird reaction is because it is virtually unheard of to have a hidden twin...unless someone was not getting prenatal care or ultrasounds. An ultrasound should be able to see a twin, sideways uterus or not. They have the ability to see deep within your tissue and pick up something so delicate as a blot clot in a vein....so for the ultrasound not to be able to see a live human being that should be measuring at least an inch (at 9 weeks) seems really odd. It's not only the baby...what about the yolk sac? each twin would have a visible yolk sac at 9 weeks. I think we all think the u/s tech is to blame.
Anyways, good luck and I hope you find out your answers soon.