I didn't really want anyone's opinions to turn me from a name I have wanted for my child since I was a little girl.
Even though I am only almost 8 weeks pregnant, I am 99% with that gut feeling I'm having a boy, which myself and DH are 150% sure his name will be Jack Dylan.
In question is the 1% chance it's a girl, I've always loved the name Piper Leigh, but I've said it to a couple of people and they are less than enthused on it. Part of me thinks they'll get over it and once they met her (if that was the case) they'd love her regardless.. the other part of me does not want people saying they love it and then talking about what a horrible name it is behind my back...
Thoughts on this name? Give it to me honest Bumpies!
Re: Decisions, Decisions!
Growing Up Olson
....despite what your gut is telling you, the odds are 50% that you are having a girl.
If what people think about a name bothers you, don't tell anyone your name choice until after LO is born.
Piper is pretty trendy and NMS...but it's ok.
EDD- 06/13/2017
**Stinkerbelle-8-27-10 * Mr.P's 2nd Mama 7-27-07**
One of the psychiatrists I work with is named Piper so there's proof even a girly-girl name doesn't doom a kid to underachieve.
Neither are my style but both aren't awful either.
I really don't like Piper. It's like hyper to me.
But if you really love it then just don't tell anyone the name until your baby is born. If it is a girl and you name her Piper, people can still love her without loving her name.
1. I like both names very much.
2. Stop telling people your choices.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
** After 2 1/2 years of Unexplained IF, 2 failed medicated cycles, and 4 failed IUI's - our baby girl came to us through the miracle of Mini IVF! **
LOL, I obviously know it's not a 1% chance of a girl to 99% chance of a boy... the odds are 50/50 but some people say their gut feeling was right, and if someone were to ask me what do you think your having (aside from the obvious answer "baby") I would instinctively say "boy"!
that's all I meant by it!
Thanks everyone, that is the point DH brings up on cute as a girls name but what about when she gets older... it's kinda like "Grandma Tiffani" is a little weird I guess!
I strongly dislike the name Piper. Sorry.
And FWIW, my sister was almost positive she was having a boy. She had a gut feeling like you and had several dreams about it. She ended up having a girl...
Georgia 3/15/2012 Matilda 6/12/2014 TWINS!! Babies 3&4 EDD 11/22/2016
LOL, well that's nice!... I actually heard another dog names Piper a couple of days ago, AND an aquaintance of one of my close friends just found out she's having a girl and is naming her Piper... I've got another name in mind now, though... if you have another dog, I hope it's not the name I'm thinking of! :P