Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Since When?


Re: Since When?

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    Wait, wait, wait. Aren't Kelso and LHC the same person? I seriously have missed a lot. 

    No no no, multiple crazies sweetie. LHC is on her own; Kelso has a crew.

    Jack Anderson 2.28.10 Our amazing little man. image
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    I have always liked berry, so I feel a need to give her the benefit of the doubt. I think she is just upset and not thinking straight. 

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    Your lack of complete sentences makes me scratch my head.

    This but not scratch, hurts. It hurts my head.

    Apparently, 6-9ers are not only filled with drama, they skipped English class. Ugh.

    Hey, not all of us! 

    Sorry! 6-9ers who've invaded 9-12 with their nonsense. Better?

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    oh my g-d.

    the quickest way to smooth things over is to just move past it.

    i know, it makes no sense. but it's true.

    She speaks the truth. If you want people to stop thinking you're crazy, you need to stop acting crazy.

    Why the frick aren't you on the off board? Cheese and rice, get over!  

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    Why are you typing like you're writing an uneducated poem? That could have all been condensed to one paragraph. I can't understand half the stuff you said because of lack of punctuation and capitalization. 

    The bump poetry slam

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    Wait, wait, wait. Aren't Kelso and LHC the same person? I seriously have missed a lot. 

    No no no, multiple crazies sweetie. LHC is on her own; Kelso has a crew.

    Ah, got it. Thanks guys. It's like missing a month of your favorite drama-filled show. 

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    oh my g-d.

    the quickest way to smooth things over is to just move past it.

    i know, it makes no sense. but it's true.


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    My lack of sentences or paragraphs is besides the fact. And you are just finding things to pick at.

    Talk behind my back all you please. Calling me BSC when I have had no problems with you(remove.) is crossing a line. I'm offended in a way that I have never said nor did anything to anyone on the 9-12 board.(Huh?  I have no idea how you can even make that make sense.) In fact, I'm one who moved over early to 6-9 when they where(were) there and they had no problems with me then. Well, I'm the same person.(incomplete sentence)

    This is why nobody can tell what the he!! you are talking about.  Do you see all those errors?  And I might not have them all....I have a migrane and am on meds, so .....

    Well, I'm the same person.(incomplete sentence)

    This actually IS a complete sentence.  "I" is the subject and "am" is the verb.

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    oh my g-d.

    the quickest way to smooth things over is to just move past it.

    i know, it makes no sense. but it's true.

    She speaks the truth. If you want people to stop thinking you're crazy, you need to stop acting crazy.

    Why the frick aren't you on the off board? Cheese and rice, get over!  

    I don't wanna!

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    My lack of sentences or paragraphs is besides the fact. And you are just finding things to pick at.

    Talk behind my back all you please. Calling me BSC when I have had no problems with you(remove.) is crossing a line. I'm offended in a way that I have never said nor did anything to anyone on the 9-12 board.(Huh?  I have no idea how you can even make that make sense.) In fact, I'm one who moved over early to 6-9 when they where(were) there and they had no problems with me then. Well, I'm the same person.(incomplete sentence)

    This is why nobody can tell what the he!! you are talking about.  Do you see all those errors?  And I might not have them all....I have a migrane and am on meds, so .....

    Well, I'm the same person.(incomplete sentence)

    This actually IS a complete sentence.  "I" is the subject and "am" is the verb.

    You should write the makers of spell-ck for word.  LOL

    ETA:  Stop picking on me!  Crying

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    oh my g-d.

    the quickest way to smooth things over is to just move past it.

    i know, it makes no sense. but it's true.

    She speaks the truth. If you want people to stop thinking you're crazy, you need to stop acting crazy.

    Why the frick aren't you on the off board? Cheese and rice, get over!  

    I don't wanna!


    Sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do, SB. So get your little butt over on the off board and get snarky!  

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    Annice, I felt that "assclowns" was a classier alternative to "Turd Fergusons".

    omg. Thanks to you, I can forget my ab workout that I had planned for tonight.

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    My lack of sentences or paragraphs is besides the fact. And you are just finding things to pick at.

    Talk behind my back all you please. Calling me BSC when I have had no problems with you(remove.) is crossing a line. I'm offended in a way that I have never said nor did anything to anyone on the 9-12 board.(Huh?  I have no idea how you can even make that make sense.) In fact, I'm one who moved over early to 6-9 when they where(were) there and they had no problems with me then. Well, I'm the same person.(incomplete sentence)

    This is why nobody can tell what the he!! you are talking about.  Do you see all those errors?  And I might not have them all....I have a migrane and am on meds, so .....

    Well, I'm the same person.(incomplete sentence)

    This actually IS a complete sentence.  "I" is the subject and "am" is the verb.

    You should write the makers of spell-ck for word.  LOL

    ETA:  Stop picking on me!  Crying

    I teach English and nag my poor freshman on their grammar.   Otherwise, I would have NEVER caught that!

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    hey hey hey! Not everyone on 6-9 is an assclown! =]
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    Do you realize that the only "first impression" we have of you is your post? Your lack of attention to grammer, sentence structure and typing in all caps gives us the impression that you're uneducated and a bit immature.

    And no one can "talk behind your back" on the internet. Every post is public for you to read. 


    Evelyn (3.24.10), Graham (5.30.13) & Miles (8.28.16)
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    I used to really admire you for relactating.  I wish I could have.  


    Now I just think you're cray-cray ( it cool I steal your saying? lol) 

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    I don't know you, or the back story but I'm just going to say this.  Some people take msg boards WAY too seriously.  It's not real life, you can't choose your family, but you can choose to hang around here.

    It shouldn't matter what strangers think of you.  You shouldn't need validation from the internet.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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    Here is my .02.. You, Kelso, all of your other friends just need to stop. Why do you all care so much about what internet strangers say about you? Do you not realize how heavily educated some of these women are?  If you enter a post without one intelligent thing to say to back up your story, you are a lost cause.

    All you guys do is throw out a bunch of names, caps, and boo-hoos about how everyone doesn't like you. Just ignore them, honestly if you've been on the bump long enough you would know that if you just shut up everyone would stop talking about you and move on. Even if they bring you up, just don't even respond it will eventually die.

    You are all embarrassing yourselves. The end, now move on please.

    I have to agree with this.  OP- I've never said a bad thing about anyone on TB, so I hope you don't take me agreeing with this as a negative thing.  I told Kelso a long time ago to just drop it all and that engaging in the drama wasn't going to help her.  I don't see the point in wasting your time arguing with people on the internet- you are not going to change anyone's mind on how they feel about you or your friends. 

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