Hi Ladies - Below I typed out my purchases. My main goal is to prepare for my newborn / young infant. I am going to be PCSing back to the States in July, so I will be able to purchase more CD when we're back. Right now I need to prepare for the first 2.5 months.
I've included everything that I purchased. I know that there are a lot of items that I won't be able to use for a while ... so please let me know what I'm missing for a newborn / young infant. Thanks!!
- GM Newborn: 24
- GM Infant: 12
- TT: 2
- BRB: 3
- Smooshy Tooshy: 1
- Poopsie Doodles: 2
- Bella Bum: 1
- FB OS: 2
- Marvels AIO: 3
- FB MicroFiber Sm: 4
- FB MicroFiber LG: 4
- MicroFiber: 12
- BlueBerry Bamboo Sm: 6
- Bright Star Infant Cover: 3
- Flip OS Cover: 1
- Thirstie Cover S: 1
- Kissaluvs OS: 1
- Marvels OS: 2
SNAPPI :: 2 double packs
Re: Please critique my stash ...
None of the OS covers or diapers are going to fit at first so you probably need a few more newborn or extra small diapers. I see you have a Thirsties listed as small- my little guy didn't fit into the small Thirsties covers until like 3 or 4 months. So to start with, I would say that you only really have 3 covers that fit so I would grab a few more covers.
I would probably grab a few more newborn diapers too- either fitteds or all in ones. You are great with two dozen prefolds but I would want at least 12 more diapers that will fit right from the start and for myself, I like having a few "easier" diapers for diapering in the middle of the night or outings.
I think you just need NB covers. You have enough PFs for NB phase. Everything else won't fit for a while.
Then of course a pail, pail liners (2), wetbags, wipes, etc. Good luck!
Oh & you really only need 2 snappis. You can only use 1 at a time, KWIM? They don't get dirty. I got 3 & never even used 2 of them.
DD1 born 5/24/10.
Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.
DD2 born 5/14/13.
Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.
I agree you have plenty for the NB stage ( you will probably be washing every other day)
I would add maybe 1 or 2 thristie duos, they fit with a PF for the NB stage and DS was only 6lbs 3oz at birth
plus the usual pail liner large and small wetbag, snappis trashcan etc...
BFP: 2/4/13 EDD: 10/11/13
Patiently waiting for Buggirl to join me!!
Beta #1 11dpo:89 Progesterone:38.9 Beta #2 18dpo:1940
HB seen at 6w HB 8w 5d 176bpm! Its a BOY!
grow rainbow grow!!!!
All Always Welcome!!
I think you have more covers than you need, but not of the right size. And you probably only need one of those snappi sets -- 2 snappis is the most anyone ever needs -- one, and then an extra in case you lose it or it breaks (which doesn't happen, but what if?)
Also, I can't fathom what in the world you are doing with 16 microfiber inserts when you only have 5 diapers you can use them in (and 3 of those come with inserts already). What are you going to do with them? MF inserts can't be put against a baby's bottom so they are only good stuffed into pockets or stuffable AIOs. And they get washed along with the diaper so you're never going to have a time where the insert is dirty but the diaper is clean. If you're worried about double stuffing the most you're ever going to need to need is 5 extra, not 12.
I received all of the inserts in a bundle deal from another Nestie reselling, a package deal. I am planning on purchasing more pocket diapers later when LO is bigger and I'm ready to try other diapers. Right now I'm just trying to plan for the newborn. I know it seems sporadic right now ... but there is a method to my madness.
Thanks everyone for your help and input.