
Dealing with grandparents

My dad & stepmother love my baby (as they should), but they keep inviting themselves over every other weekend. Also, they keep talking about taking her camping (in an RV) next summer (she will only be a year and a half). I have faith in their capabilities, but I don't feel comfortable with the idea at all! What can I tell them,so they stop talking/dreaming about it now? And how can I get them to stop inviting themselves to my place all the time?

Re: Dealing with grandparents

  • You need to sit down and spell out the guidelines such as we are happy to see you but we need to plan out in advance when that will be.  Explain that your DD is on a schedule and their unplanned visits can be hard on her.  IN regard to the camping, explain that you would love for them to take her camping when she is older and come up with something that will work for you like a night at their house.  We have found that you need to be frank and honest and spell out what works and what doesn't
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
  • You def. need to address it.  It can only get worst(take it from me).  Maybe tell them, you love their visits, but they should call before they come.  Then, its up to you to decide if you are up for a visit...

    Good luck, this is a touchy subject in my house(5 years later).  ..

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  • if you figure this out let me know!  My inlaws live out of state, but they just call my husband and "tell" him when they're coming to visit. the worst part...they stay with us!  He won't back down to them, which ticks me off beyond belief... thankfully, it's not that often.  very touchy subject in our house too (10 years later!) ha!
    ****My boys....****
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