

So I have decided we know better than your RE, and I am declaring you good and pregnant! Screw Dr. D! But on a serious note, I really hope they stop being so doom and gloom and let you enjoy this. You totally deserve it! 

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Re: ***stuckinthemiddle***

  • Aw, thanks!  You are making me smile!  You know, I went to that clinic to begin with on a recommendation from a friend of mine who had success there.  Since then, she went back to Dr. D for a complication related to her IF issue (Its a really rare thing and I am not even sure what it is called), and he acted like an A$$ to her as well.  I think those docs are just more interested in getting their names published than helping people reach their goals of starting a family.  Lesson learned!  ::snap::

    I'm looking forward to hearing about your upcoming cycle, and I still wanna meet for dinner sometime soon!  

    TTC Child #1 Sept '08, Dx: Unexplained, DOR 2 IUI's = BFN, m/c, IVF 1 = 0 embies to put back, IVF 2 = BFN, IVF 3 = cancelled, IVF 4 = BFP with 1 embie. Our son came into our life on 9/28/11. We are in love! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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